5 - Regulus Black

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I'd finally remembered. I walked up the stairs, up to the door with the initials.


I traced the sign. Regulus Black; RAB was Sirius' brother.

"Harry," I shook his shoulders.

"Wake up," I said.

Hermione and Ron woke up as well, and I led them up the stairs.

"Regulus Arcturus Black," Hermione said, staring at the door.

"RAB," Ron exclaimed.

We walked back downstairs, sitting at the kitchen table, the fake locket in Harry's hand.

"Now the only question is whether he destroyed the real horcrux or not," Hermione exclaimed.

As the words left her lips, a noise could be heard from inside the kitchen closet. We all turned towards the noise, my wand immediately in my hand. We all stood, walking towards the large oak door. Harry undid the lock, Kreacher the house elf bursting out of the door.

Harry shoved him into the kitchen.

"You've been spying on us, have you?" Harry muttered.

"Kreacher has been watching," Kreacher hissed.

"Maybe he knows where the real locket is," Hermione exclaimed.

I picked it off the table, waving it in front of him. "You ever seen this before?" I questioned him, as he backed away.

"Answer me," I said.

"It's Master Regulus' locket," he said, hunched behind the kitchen table.

"But there were two," I said strictly.

"Kreacher tried so hard to destroy the second, but to no avail. It was snatched in a raid here just over a week ago," Kreacher said.

"By who?"

"Mundungus Fletcher," he said.

"That filthy little- find him. GO," I exclaimed, as Kreacher apparated away.

Two Weeks Later

Kreacher had apparated into the kitchen as Harry and I cooked breakfast.

Hermione and Ron stepped away from the piano; Hermione had been teaching him how to play.

"Only took you so long," I said.

Dobby and Fletcher were with him.

"Dobby," Harry smiled.

"Harry Potter, how long it's been," Dobby smiled.

Dobby wasn't just a good friend, he was also the Malfoy's house elf. I was hit with a sudden pang of homesickness, not just for Hogwarts, but for Draco. I'd been so busy with the bullshit we'd been going through that thinking about Draco hadn't crossed my mind. Maybe I just didn't want to deal with the pain right now.

He'd been speaking, but I didn't catch a thing. If Dobby was in Diagon Alley when Kreacher caught Fletcher, didn't one of the Malfoy's have to be there? What if it was Draco? School hadn't started yet, it wouldn't until September first. If only it weren't so god damn dangerous, he probably didn't even know I wasn't returning for seventh year.

Dobby shook our hands. "Miss Caroline, Draco misses you dearly," he shook mine.

"Does he now?" I smiled, tearing up a little bit.

"He's taking great care of your cat," Dobby exclaimed.

"That's good to hear," I whispered.

I didn't think I could feel any more than I already was, but now I was homesick for my cat. God, I was homesick for everything. I didn't realize how hard this was going to be.

"When you turned this place over, don't deny it, you found a locket, am I right?" Harry backed Fletcher into a chair.

"I did, I did alright? So I was just selling away in Diagon Alley, and this pink looking Ministry agent comes up to me, asking about the locket. I didn't wanna get sacked so I gave it to her for free,"

"Who was it?" Ron asked.

Fletcher pointed to the newspaper. "Well there she is, big bow and all," he exclaimed. Umbridge. It was bloody Umbridge.

We let Fletcher go, sitting in silence on the couches as night fell. Before Dobby left, I gave him a letter to apparate back to Draco. I'd sprayed some of my perfume on it, and just wrote him to tell him how much I loved and missed him. I didn't dare tell him about our plan, or that I wouldn't be returning; I didn't want that in writing in the Manor. Someone could find it.


I was laying in bed, reading a book when someone knocked on my door. "Who is it?" I mumbled.

"It's Dobby, sir," he said.

"Come in," I opened the door with my wand.

"A letter came for you, from Miss Bellegreen,"

My heart jumped at her last name. He handed it to me, then left. I opened the letter.


In case you were wondering, I've recovered well. I can walk and my scars are completely healed. I miss you so much. I can't tell you anything in case this letter gets in the hands of the wrong people, but I hope I get to see you again soon. Whatever happens, just know I love you, okay? I love you so much.

ps, I know you're anxious, but please don't starve yourself in my absence. eat.

- C

What did she mean see you again soon? Wasn't she coming back this year? What if she wasn't? I held the letter close to my chest, smiling when I realized she'd sprayed it with her perfume. I understood why she probably wouldn't come back to Hogwarts though.

It was too dangerous there for her; too many death eaters and all. She was on the top of their wanted list, right there next to Potter. I wondered what they were up to.

"Meeting in five minutes, come downstairs," Father knocked on my door.

I grumbled, getting into my suit. I walked down the stairs, still not used to The Dark Lord and death eaters sitting at the table. I sat down in my chair as Dolohov began to speak.

"Potter and the girl along with two others were spotted in a café in London," he spoke quietly. One hand sat under the table; as he'd sat down I noticed it was wrapped in bandages.

"And?" The Dark Lord spoke.

"She killed one, then told me to tell you, 'she doesn't miss'," he spoke quietly.

"When did this occur?"

"A little over two weeks ago, My Lord," he whispered.

"You waited two damned weeks to alert me of her whereabouts?!" he yelled, taking his wand out, the air around him strangling his neck.

She'd killed more. I wish I could tell her to stop; she was just making this worse for herself.

"She's un killable, I tell you," one of the death eaters spoke.

Un killable, I thought. I damn well hope so.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟒)Where stories live. Discover now