21 - Gringott's Bank Robbery

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We landed next to Borgin and Burkes, Harry and the goblin slipping the invisibility cloak over them.

"Ready?" Hermione asked.



We walked through the dark alleyways, twisting and turning until we reached a clearing.

"Madam LeStrange," some random man bowed his head at me as I stood.

"Morning," I flashed my crooked teeth at him, raising my chin confidently, giving him a sly grin as he continued walking.

"Not bad," Ron whispered in my ear.


We reached Gringotts, and I walked through Diagon Alley like I owned the damn place. I pushed open the Gringott's bank doors obnoxiously, earning a few looks from the goblins working. But the head one didn't notice me just yet.

I basically stomped my way up to the front desk.

"Name?" he asked, not looking up from his book.

"Excuse me? My name? Are you damn serious?" I cackled, looking over at Hermione. "A joke, this one," I muttered. She just nodded.

"Madam LeStrange," the main goblin looked up.

"I'd like to enter my vault, if you'd hurry up," I crossed my arms.

He just stared at me.

"Of- of course, Madam LeStrange, but we're taking some new security measures," he exclaimed. "I need to see your wand," he sighed.

"My wand? This is bloody ridiculous," I muttered, pulling her wand out of my pocket, waving it in front of his face cockily. "Is this good enough for you?" I widened my eyes, mocking him.

"Um, yes ma'am of course, follow me," he stood, leading us to the back.

"It's Madam to you," I muttered.

We jumped into one of the train carts. The ride started off normal. But soon, the train tracks became more curvy. We twisted around corners, through caves, and eventually we were completely underground, seemingly in a ravine, the only light given from the little lamp the goblin held at the front of the train cart.

"What is that, Griphook?" Harry shouted, pointing to a large waterfall ahead of us. We all screamed as we went under, water drenching my cloak and dress.

The cart made an eerie siren sound, before flipping over. Completely over. And we were all falling hundreds of feet to the ground.

"Arresto momentum!!" Hermione screamed, all of us slowing to a halt, hitting the ground with a thump.

"Well done Hermione," Harry panted, all of us getting to our feet.

"You look like you again," Ron pointed to me.

"The thief's downfall; washes away all enchantments. Could be deadly," Griphook said.

"Yeah, no shit," I panted, putting Bellatrix's wand back in my pocket.

"What in the devil are all of you doing down here?! Thieves!!" the head goblin said, staring at me specifically. Before he could say any more, Ron did something I most definitely didn't expect.

"Imperio," Ron muttered, the goblin's face returning to serenity, ready to follow any action we commanded.

We heard a growl from deeper in the ravine.

"What the hell was that?" I whimpered, the sound still echoing off of the cave walls.

"Let's find out," Harry began walking down, Griphook in front of him. We all followed behind.

"Whatever it is it doesn't sound good," Ron muttered.

We came upon her vault. Or vault room, I might say. We weren't even close to her door yet. We had to pass the room where the terrifying growls and roars were coming from.

"What's in there?" I whispered.

"A dragon," he said, picking up three sets of hand held bells.

"Which dragon?"

"Why does it matter? Received her from the ministry a while back," Griphook shrugged.

I began to walk out.

"What the hell are you doing?" Harry hissed grabbing my arm. I didn't care. I walked out into the open, staring right into the eyes of the dragon. It was her. She had the same eyes, despite the chains around her neck and feet, her sides bony and scraped open. Does nobody know how to take care of a bloody dragon?

She snarled angrily, a huge spurt of flames erupting from her nose, but I blocked it just in time, a small golden force field circling around me. She cocked her head in confusion, then realization.

"Go," I waved, the others scurrying around me to the vault doors.

"I told you I'd come back for you," I smiled. She inched closer to me, her now large feet stomping on the ground as she stared down at me, her eyes infinitely happier.

"Come on," Harry hissed, waving me over to the vault door.

"I'll get you out of here, I promise," I said, tip toeing over to Harry.

"How'd you do that?" Harry asked.

"Later," I breathed. In fact I wasn't sure. I thought I'd get burnt to a crisp, to be completely honest with you.

The goblin pressed his hand to the door, unlocking it. We walked inside to see hundreds of thousands of golden and silver pieces; in forms of coin, plates, cups, anything you could bloody think of was in there. The door locked shut behind us.

"Lumos," Harry said, the tip of his wand forming a small blue light. We searched the room curiously, Harry focusing in on something we couldn't see, hear, touch. I wondered how he could tell what a horcrux is versus what isn't.

"That's it, up there," Harry pointed to a small golden cup that sat atop one of the cabinets inside.

Hermione knocked something over.

But it didn't stop. It multiplied. And multiplied again. And again. And eventually, the entire ground was covered in multiplying pieces of jewelry, cups and God knows what else.

"They've added the gemino curse, anything you touch will multiply," Griphook yelled.

"Give me the sword!" Harry shouted, Hermione grabbing it from her bag, tossing it to him.

The room continued to fill with treasures, drowning us in riches.

"Stop moving!" Hermione shouted. It was up to our waists at this point. Ron, Hermione and I stood still, Harry climbing over the heaps of valuables, grabbing the horcrux by it's handle.

It flew backwards into Griphook's hands.

"The cup for the sword!" he yelled.

Harry threw the sword over, Griphook handing the cup to Hermione.

"I said I'd get you in. I didn't say anything about getting you out," he snickered, leaving us stuck inside the room full of gold, still multiplying by the second.

"Griphook!" Harry screamed.

And we were left alone, nowhere to go, stuck inside Bellatrix LeStrange's vault.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟒)Where stories live. Discover now