4 - A Message to Tom Riddle

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In front of a bus. Bloody hell, we'd apparated into the streets of London, in front of a damn tour bus. I shrieked as Hermione pulled us backwards, off the road.

"For Merlin's Sake, Hermione, Voldemort didn't even have to kill Harry, we'd all just die from getting run over," I panted.

We began to walk swiftly through the busy streets of London, skyscrapers and buildings filling the air.

"Where are we?" Ron stammered.

"I used to come to the theatre here with Mum and Dad, don't know why that just popped into my head," she muttered.

"Is that why they weren't at the wedding? Did you do it?" I asked her.

"Not right now, we need to get out of these clothes," she pulled us into an alleyway, opening her purse. To my surprise, her entire arm fit in the bag, her hand searching around for a change of clothing.

"Blimey Hermione, how'd you do that?" Ron asked.

"Undetectable extension charm," she exclaimed.

"I see you've been packing for this trip," I said.

"I have been for weeks, should be everything we need in here."

And that's when it hit me. Holy shit, we'd be going rogue. On the run, looking for some of the most dangerous items in the world to kill the most unstable man known to the wizarding world. We were only seventeen; what the hell were we doing?

After changing in a public restroom, we went to a small coffee shop on one of the street corners.

"Do you guys mind if I stop home after this? I haven't been back to the house in ages," I exclaimed.

"Only for a little bit, it's really dangerous. It's right near the leaky cauldron, isn't it?" Ron asked.

"Yeah it is, it'll be dangerous but I'm alright with it," Hermione said.

"Sure," Harry added.

We ordered our cappuccinos.

"The people at the wedding, what if they're hurt? Do we go back for them?" I questioned.

"They're after Harry and you, if we go back we're putting everyone in danger," Ron exclaimed.

He was right. There ought to be a bounty on me, maybe even higher than Harry's at this point. Harry had done little harm to Voldemort's army other than hurt his ego, I'd killed multiples of his men.

"If Voldemort's taken over the Ministry, we can't go back to any old places now. Everyone from the wedding will have gone underground, into hiding," Hermione said.

Two men entered the shop, and I immediately felt uneasy. One began to pull a wand out of their pocket.

"DOWN!" I screamed, their spells ricocheting off the metal tables.

"STUPEFY," Harry yelled, the glass window breaking.

Spells shot throughout the room.

"Do something," Harry panted at me.

I looked down at the ring on my finger.

I focused in, turning my veins golden as my eyes glowed, forming a bow and arrow in my hand.

I shot, my arrow searing through the air, hitting one of them right in the chest, Hermione petrifying the other. The waitress walked into the room.

"Go. Leave," Hermione waved her off. She went scurrying out the back door, dropping the coffee cups on the floor causing them to shatter. We locked the door, Ron turning the lights off with his new gadget.

"This one's Raul, he was there the night Snape killed Dumbledore on the astronomy tower," Harry exclaimed.

"This is Dolohov, I recognize him from the wanted posters. So, what're we gonna do with you, aye? You'd kill us if we turned around, wouldn't you," Ron muttered.

"If we kill them they'll know we were here," Harry said.

"Well I already killed one of them, so," I smirked.

"Caroline," Hermione hit my arm.

"You asked for my help, I gave it, what'd you want me to do?" I muttered.

"Let's erase his memories," Harry suggested.

"Nah, I want to send this one back to Voldy with a little message," I exclaimed.

"Caroline that's a bad idea," Harry said, holding my arm.

I leaned down on top of the death eater's frozen, petrified body, and grabbed him by the collar.

"When your little mates come and find you, and your dead little friend here, you tell them one thing. I don't miss." I stabbed an arrow into his hand, a grunt of pain escaping his frozen lips.

"Let's go,"

We walked out of the café, back onto the busy streets, towards my house.

"How'd they know where we were?" Ron asked.

"Maybe the trace is still on you," Hermione said.

"Trace breaks at seventeen, it's wizarding law,"

"Well with Voldemort overtaking the Ministry, he probably has the power to keep the trace on you. Just a thought," I muttered.

We arrived at my apartment. I unlocked the door, and we walked inside.

"Lumos," I exclaimed, wand in hand. The apartment had been completely decimated. The light wires had been cut, the window facing Diagon Alley smashed, letting a cool summer draft into the room. Tables had been flipped, my Father's office ransacked. Even my bedroom was in pieces.

"They might have a tracker on this place, we should get out of here," Ron said as I stood in the doorway, staring at my old bed.

"Right," I whispered.

We apparated to Grimmauld's Place, which had been abandoned as well. We walked through the hall, the floorboards creaking quietly as my boots hit the ground.

"I say we stay here overnight," I exclaimed.

"I agree," Harry said.

We all grabbed blankets from bedrooms upstairs, then cuddled up on the couches downstairs. Ron lit a candle in the middle on the coffee table, giving us a little bit of light.

"What happens if the tracker is still on you, Harry?" I questioned.

"I don't know. Either you taught them a lesson with what you did back there in the coffee shop-"

"Which was both brilliant, and terrifying, by the way," Ron cut in to Harry's sentence.

"Or Voldemort didn't take off the trace," Harry finished.

"I'm going to sleep, it's late," Hermione sighed.

"Alright, night," we all laid down, Ron taking the floor, Hermione and Harry taking the couches and I slept on the lounge chair.

As we slept, Harry kept twitching. He'd been having nightmares; visions.

He didn't share them with us, but I could tell.

He was terrified. We all were.

But we were damn good at hiding it.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟒)Where stories live. Discover now