31 - I Love You

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I awoke in a bedroom. My childhood bedroom.

Am I dead?

I sat up, placing my sneaker covered feet down on the pink rug, walking into the kitchen. It was all as it was back in 1985.

I looked outside to see two figures swaying. Dancing together, barefoot in the dewy grass. I opened the stained glass door, allowing the spring air to fill my senses.

I inched closer and closer to them.

"Mum? Dad?" I whispered. They immediately stopped, turning to me.

"Darling, we're so proud of you," my Father embraced me in a tight hug, spinning me around in his arms. I began to cry, melting at his touch I so longed for.

Then a hug from my Mother. Her touch was nostalgic. She wiped the tears from my skin.

"Am I dead?" I asked.

"Nothing kills you more than a life you didn't fulfill," she smiled at me softly.

"This is the void, sweetheart. In between," my Father exclaimed.

"So I can go home?" I asked.

"If you'd like. That boy needs you," Father smiled at me.

"I know what you're thinking. We don't need revenge darling, but if you feel as though it is necessary, nobody is going to stop you," she winked.

"How do I go home?" I asked.

"Just clear your mind, do what you always do," she smiled.

"That's not much to go on," I laughed.

"You are more capable than I," she nodded at me.

I turned towards the empty space that was our backyard.

I shut my eyes.

My veins began to pulsate, as I imagined my way home in front of me.


I opened my eyes to see a golden replica of the Hogwarts Express forming in front of my very eyes, flowing from my hands, roots digging up from the ground as wheels.

My mouth gaped in awe, staring at the incredible magic I was creating. I looked back to see my Mother and Father, standing proudly.

The steps up to the train car began to form in front of my feet. I looked back hesitantly.

My Mother gave me a nod.

I climbed up the steps slowly, into the train.

I stood in the center of the car, staring out of the empty window.

"I'll return to you both one day, I promise," I smiled.

"And we will be waiting," my Father waved me off. I shut my eyes feeling the train begin to move beneath me, and when I reopened them, I was laying in the great hall, my soul back in my body.

I sat up, looking around slowly. The hall was empty, other than the dead bodies that lay next to me on the floor. Fred. Fred was laying dead next to me. This fueled me with unbelievable rage.

I stood up, my fists clenched.

"I will avenge you Mum. Dad. Fred. Everyone in this fucking hall," I hissed through gritted teeth. This was it. The final battle. I would use my Mother's ring.

My veins pulsated, my eyes filling me with power I'd never felt before. I'd never been more heated; the anger helped sooth the spiking pain in my head, like an addict who'd just gotten his next hit.

I formed a sword in my hand, dragging it across the floor as I walked outside, people gasping at my sudden appearance. I held my chin up high, blood dripping down the sword as my hands bled.

I needed a target. Someone to kill. I looked across the vast field of death eaters, my eyes landing on one in particular;

Bellatrix LeStrange.

I clenched my fist on the sword handle even tighter as I approached her.

Harry had leaped from Hagrid's arms, the battle commencing once again. Bella and I circled one another.

"You murdered both my parents," I growled, the tip of my sword grazing the brick floor.

She was silent, her wand in hand.

"You won't win," I laughed. I honestly think I was scaring people; for Merlin's sake, I was scaring myself.

It was the first time I'd seen Bellatrix completely confounded in my life.

And I was enjoying it.

She was out of options; the only one I'd given her was death. She took a knife from her pocket.

"Pathetic," I giggled. "That, against me?"

Before she could make a single move, I strutted forwards standing in front of her, looking her right in the eyes, knocking her to the ground, holding her down with my foot on her neck.

"Rot in hell," I spat, slamming the sword right. Between. Her fucking. Ribs.

The sword dripped with blood as other death eaters watched in awe, including Draco and his parents. The only difference is Draco stood on our side. Not theirs.

"Who's next?" I raised my sword in the air, waving as death eaters charged at me, in attempt to challenge me.

One after another, they were killed in my wrath. Was what I was doing wrong? Definitely. Was I steeping as low as them? Probably. Were they technically the one's attacking first?


As I finished the last of them off, I had a moment of realization. Holy fuck, I was standing in the middle of a blood bath. I couldn't stop.

Please, someone help me.

My mind was begging. The golden haze wouldn't go away. Narcissa and Lucius watched in horror as Draco approached me, my sword still in hand. My limbs were shaking as I faced him, my sword raised, looking as terrified as a deer in headlights.

"Caroline, look at me," he held up a single hand.

"Put it down," he cooed as I looked into his blue grey eyes that were filled with tears, immediately calming my mind.

I was covered in blood, staring at the bodies around me.

"I- I didn't- I didn't mean to-"

"Come here," he motioned, and I followed him, away from the bodies.

"Sit," he motioned. I was still in shock. I'd only planned on killing Bellatrix. Now I'd become her.

I was shaking as I sat down against the wall.

"Emendo," he quickly cleaned my wounds again, running water over my arms, cleaning the blood off my face.

"Draco," I stammered, making him look up at me. I was petrified with fear, his parents still standing far away behind him.

"I'm just as bad as her, I-" and I began to cry.

"Look at me," he cupped my cheek, wiping my tears. "You are not Bellatrix LeStrange," he looked into my eyes.

"I just killed dozens of people, why did I do that-"

"But you saved hundreds," he exclaimed, trying to comfort me.


"What happened already happened, don't think about it," he rubbed my cheek.

"Are you scared of me?" I whimpered.

"I could never be scared of you, love," he smiled at me, a small chuckle escaping his lips.

"Draco I'm scared," I stammered.

"I know, but right now we need to get you somewhere safe, the battle isn't over," he exclaimed.


"Yes?" he asked, standing me up.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟒)Where stories live. Discover now