8 - Venturing for Answers

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September 3rd


The next morning we began to walk by foot, beginning as the sun rose above us. Today was my day to wear the locket. The sky was blue as we walked through green grasses, over farmland, in valleys. Eventually we stopped at a small village in the middle of a meadow.

"We could stock up on food while here," I suggested.

"Good idea, I'll scout," Ron said. She was lesser known; if Harry and I entered, we'd be sighted, and who knows what they'd do to us after that.

As he walked into the village, we scoped from the nearby bushes. The leaves began to droop, a chill running up my spine.

"I better not be the only one who felt that," I whispered, grabbing my wand out of my pocket, turning around. Hermione and Harry did the same.

My breath left my chest as I stared in awe; three dementors hovering right in front of us, ready to suck out our souls.

"Expecto patronum," I muttered, but blue wisps fluttered out of my wand. I couldn't conjure it; why couldn't I conjure the damn spell? Was it the locket?

Harry conjured it for me, his stag chasing the dementors away across the grassy flower fields. I st back out of breath.

"You alright?" he questioned me.

"I think it was the locket," I breathed, drained of energy. I could usually produce patronus charms just fine.

We set up camp in a nearby group of trees, just out of sight of any village dwellers.

"Muffliato, selvia hexia," Hermione and Harry muttered the protective spells around the tent, as I sat inside with Ron.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him quietly, the locket still around my neck. I'd switch it off to him today.

"A bit upset with how close Harry and Hermione are getting to be honest," he mumbled.

"If you don't think you can handle it, I can keep the locket for one more day if you'd like. I mean, with your arm and all," I motioned to his arm, still in it's splint.

"Really, you'd do that for me?"

"Of course," I smiled.

"Thanks," he sighed in relief.

I stood up, walking outside the tent, wandering in the nearby trees. The cool breeze running through my hair as I sat down in the shade, in a patch of dandelions.

Ron had found a few bottles of water along with a jar of honey, granola bars and even managed to nick a few sandwiches from the local deli. It would be enough for a few days journey.

As the sun began to set, Hermione walked up to me.

"It's dangerous out here, despite how serene it is. You should come inside," Hermione sat down next to me, picking at the flowers with her hands.

"I will when the sunset is over," I said quietly, watching the hues in the sky melt together.

"Draco again?" she smiled at me.

"Every night," I smiled back, sadly.

"When this is all over," she rested her head on my shoulder, watching night fall over the mountains.

"I know."

One week later

We were camping at a farm, Merlin knows how far away from the village we'd traveled. Ron had found bread and eggs, so we ate those for lunch. My legs ached as I snarfed down the small meal, as we sat in silence other than our chewing.

I'd finally come to my breaking point after holding the locket as long as I could for him, so Ron had offered up himself two days ago. I could tell he was getting aggravated already; I had hidden it better than him.

"We need more food," he grumbled, turning on his radio. Harry rolled his eyes as the 'missing witches and wizards' daily count began to play.

"We've actually had a decent amount recently, Ron," Hermione said quietly.

"Well it's not enough," he muttered. I knew she didn't want to make him angry, but her positivity wasn't necessarily helping him in this moment.

"Guys," Harry pointed.

We looked out the open barn doors, to see three clouds of black smoke flying overhead.

"Shit," I muttered.

We all hid quietly, sitting down pressed against the inside corners of the barn. They flew downwards, landing in front of the barn house.

Ron and Hermione huddled on one side, Harry and I on the other.

"Stupid muggle farms," one of them spoke, kicking the ground.

"What are we doing here again?" another asked.

"Just doing our daily scouting, no need to be a prat, Jugson," he spat.

"What do we do?" I whispered.

"Nothing unless they come in," Harry answered.


"If we kill them, they'll know we were here," Harry hissed.

I decided to shut my mouth. We sat pressed against the wooden walls, one beginning to walk inside.

"Let's just leave, it's an abandoned muggle farm for Merlin's sake. No stupid wizard would set foot here," one said, forcing the other one to fly off away with him.

I finally allowed myself a breath of air. Hermione and Ron scurried over to us.

"We best get going, they could come back," Hermione exclaimed.

"But they've already checked-"

"Now that we know this place is on their weekly checklist we should leave. I say we stay overnight and leave tomorrow," Hermione interrupted Harry.

"I agree with her; there's a few horses in the other barn we could use for quicker transportation," I suggested.

"Alright," Harry mumbled. Ron sat quietly.

We took out our sleeping bags, huddling in the corner of the warm barn as we slept on the ground. A small fire crackled in the middle of us, crickets chirping in the nearby cornfields. Unfortunately it wasn't ripe enough for consumption.

Every night, when I went to sleep on this strange adventure we were on, my mind would wander back to Draco. I hope he's alright. I know it's selfish to say, but, I hope he's doing alright without me. I didn't want him to worry.

Maybe that's why I'd slipped it off my finger and put it in Hermione's bag.

I didn't want him to know if I was in danger; it'd only make him more stressed knowing he couldn't do anything about it.

I'd taken our ring off.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟒)Where stories live. Discover now