38 - Forever Mine

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Draco wasn't lying when he said he wanted another one. Little did I know, he wanted three more.

Aurelia, the oldest,

Eleanor, the middle child,

Scorpius, the only boy,

And Atlantis, the youngest at a mere four years old.

Getting married and having children at eighteen had it's benefits.

We stood on platform nine and three quarters, Harry and Ginny, Ron and Hermione beside us, boarding our kids onto the train, Atlantis snug in my arms.

"Come on Albus," James shouted, taking his little brother onto the train. Both of them were a spitting image of Harry; Lily, their youngest was a redhead, just like Ginny.

"I'm nervous Mum," Scorpius said. Scorpius was eleven now. It was his first year at Hogwarts. Aurelia was a Ravenclaw, Eleanor a Slytherin, and it was finally Scorpius' turn.

"You'll do amazing, just listen to your sisters," Draco smiled.

"We all know that's not going to happen," I rolled my eyes. "Don't let Eleanor boss you around," I leaned down, giving him a kiss on the nose. Scorpius was a little mama's boy.

Aurelia had graduated last year and decided to take a year to study muggle literature in the United States. She was definitely my Father.

Eleanor was in her third year, at the moment.

"Come on, Scorpius!" Hugo, Ron and Hermione's son, laughed.

"They're going to be amazing, aren't they?" Hermione whispered to me.

"Of course they are," I smiled.

Draco held my waist as the train pulled off, Hugo, Rose, Scorpius, Albus and Teddy all in the same compartment, waving us goodbye. Draco slipped a hand around my waist, looking between little Atlantis and I.

Two of our four children had golden magic. Aurelia was the first, of course, then Atlantis. Thank Merlin Eleanor hadn't gotten it; she was a little trouble maker, but we loved her nonetheless.

I knew they'd be fine, however. I'd founded the SMY class. Special Magic Youth. Not only for my kids, but for seers, animagus's, other students who might be struggling with a power of their own. I didn't want any child to feel as alone as I had.

So there we stood.

Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy and I all waving our children off to the most magical, beautiful place in the world. These years had passed by all too quickly. But I was happier than ever.

"And another one off to Hogwarts," Draco sighed, slipping his hand in mine, Atlantis sitting snug in my shoulder.

"One more to go," I laughed.

"You're forever mine, Caroline Malfoy," Draco leaned towards me.

I laid my head on his shoulder.

"And I'm forever yours."


WOAH FULL CIRCLE MOMENT WTF. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH for the support, wowowowowowowow. I am in tears. Holy crap. I've gotten wayyyy too attached to these characters. I really hope you enjoyed, if you liked this story and you have a Draco Malfoy simp friend you'd like to recommend this series to I'd really appreciate it! Thank you all so much for reading. It means the world to me.

Don't forget to check out my new book, The Secret Garden. Enjoy!

My tik tok is dracomalfoyxsimp if you'd like to follow for updates. Ilove you <3

Much love, Callie

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