2 - Forcefield

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July 27th


Spending the summer with the Weasley's had been so much fun. Despite the chaos surrounding us, it amazed me to see this perfect little family living on a small plot of land in the middle of the plains. It made me gain a little bit of hope for humanity; and every bit of hope that was given to me, I would take.

"Let's go over the plan," Mrs. Weasley said again. We were sitting around the kitchen table.

"Caroline, Ginny, and I will all stay here. Caroline you'll create the forcefields once Harry arrives for protection," she exclaimed.

"Now Ron, Fred, George, Arthur, Bill and Fleur will take the floo network to Privet Drive, to make sure Harry arrives safely. Is that understood?"

The crowd arose in yes's and yeah's.

Night fell upon the burrow, and everyone left through the fireplace, leaving Mrs. Weasley, along with Ginny and I.

"Now we wait," I sighed, Ginny and I running to her room to finish our game of battleship.

"B four?"

"Hit," I rolled my eyes.

"D five?"


"I may as well give up now, you've already sunk three of my ships, you've got two left," I giggled.

"Technically one and a half," she smiled.

After around an hour, we heard commotion outside.

"Girls!" Mrs. Weasley motioned us to the door.

"It's Hagrid's motorcycle, Harry made it," I smiled, Ginny running out into the marshes to help them. I wanted to, but I had to stay back to cast the forcefield once everyone landed.

"Where are the others?" I asked, both of them soaked in water.

"Is no one else back?" Harry asked fearfully.

"They were on us from the start Molly, we didn't stand a chance," Hagrid said solemnly.

Ginny gave Harry a big hug, getting water on her clothes as they stood together.

George and Lupin suddenly apparated into the fields, George's ear covered in blood as he stood held up with Remus' arm.

"Help! Help," Lupin yelled, Harry taking his other arm as they led him into the house.

I began to go after them, but Ginny held me back.

"You have to be prepared," she said.

"Right." I sighed, looking around the field for any other signs of life.

"We've been betrayed, Voldemort knew you were being moved tonight," Lupin said, eyeing me as I stood in the open doorway.

"Did you by any chance say anything to Draco-"

"Are you mad? I'm not that stupid, besides, it's been Snape this entire time, Draco hasn't done a bloody thing," I cut him off.

Lupin fell silent.

"She's right, it's been Snape from the start, if Draco even knew Caroline was in the cards why would he say anything?" Ginny said quietly.

Suddenly we heard a loud crash outside. I glanced at George who was lying on the couch before running back out the door.

Kingsley stood, Hermione behind him as Lupin questioned him.

"What gave you away?" Kingsley asked, turning to Harry.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟒)Where stories live. Discover now