3 - Away We Go

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August 1st, the Day of the Wedding

I walked into the kitchen, after having helped Hermione put her dress on. I wore a beautiful lavender purple dress, and Hermione wore a red one. Ginny and I had decorated a 'Bill and Fleur' banner that we hung in the living room.

Ginny and Harry were kissing. George came up behind me, a bandage on his head, and we gave each other a sly grin.

We walked into the kitchen, picking our coffee cups off the counter.

"Morning," George smiled, Harry and Ginny turning to us awkwardly. I started laughing, spitting my coffee out on the counter.

"Bloody hell Caroline, calm yourself," George chuckled, grabbing a paper towel.

"You guys are ridiculous," Harry muttered.

"You're the one snogging my little sister," George smirked.

Ginny and Harry walked out without another word.

"That was brilliant," I giggled.

"What's brilliant was you spitting out your coffee everywhere, that really gave it a nice touch," he rolled his eyes.

"Want me to do it again?" I smiled.

We walked outside to see the others raising the wedding tent, but then a zap of apparation appeared in the main walkway.

"Is that the Minister?" I asked him.

"Looks like it, I wonder what he's doing here," George said confused.

I walked inside.

"To what do we owe the pleasure, Minister?" Harry asked.

"I think we both know the answer to that, Mr. Potter," he said.

He had Ron, Harry, Hermione and I all sit down on the couch, as he pulled up a chair. He placed a bag in front of us, seemingly filled with items.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Here is set forth, the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore. First, to Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my deluminator," the minister grabbed it out of the bag, handing it to Ron. "Wicked," he opened it, absorbing the light from the lamp.

"To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my Tales of Beedle the Bard, in the hope that she find it entertaining and instructive," he said.

She took it from him, flipping through the pages.

"To Caroline Atlantis Bellegreen, I leave a key that may fit where it matters most," I took it from him. It was small and silver, easy to lose, but I already knew where it lead. The back of my Mother's diary had a keyhole to a compartment sealed with magic. If this didn't open it, nothing would.

"And to Harry James Potter, I leave the snitch he caught his first match at Hogwarts as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance, and skill," he handed Harry the snitch, rolling it around in his hands curiously.

Surely these gifts had to mean something, right? Something for the hunt we were about to go on? He wouldn't gift us these random items on purpose.

"Um, I'll be back in just a moment," I excused myself, running to my luggage in Ginny's room.

I rummaged through my bags, coming upon my Mother's journal packed safely beneath my clothes. I plopped down on the bed, taking the little silver key between my fingers, pushing it through the lock on the back. It opened.

There was a note along with a silver ring with a red ruby gemstone in the center. I opened the note.


If you are reading this, that means you have acquired the key I gave to Dumbledore so many years ago. You've probably been wondering what's inside this compartment
for many years. He was not to give you this key until his death or your eighteenth birthday, I most certainly hope the second one is the answer. This ring may seem normal to you,
but it seeps with power. You will no longer have to be hit with spells to gain energy, the ring will do so for you. It does however, need to charge in sunlight to work properly. The stone
will turn black when the energy runs out. I trust you'll use the information I've
given you wisely, I can only hope I raised you well. I am writing this letter on your third birthday, and it is essential you receive it should another war begin. Stay safe, little one.

- Elena

I folded the note, placing it back in it's compartment, sliding the ring onto my middle finger on my left hand. I assume it would work better on my dominant side. Draco's ring sat snug on my right middle finger, but this ring felt different. As though it melted into my skin, forming a bond with my blood as I wiggled my hand around.

"What was the key for?" Ron asked, Hermione and Harry stepping into the room.

"The back of my Mother's diary, it had a ring and a note. Here, read it," I handed it to him as they passed it around.

"Brilliant," Ron smiled.

That Night...

Luna, Ginny and I all danced at the wedding, music in the background as we grooved on the dance floor. Luna's Dad even jumped in, much to our amusement.

The tent had been decorated in purple, matching my dress perfectly as beautiful enchanted golden butterflies I'd created fluttered around the room, flapping their twinkling wings above our heads.

Fleur looked absolutely stunning; I mean, she always did, but her white wedding dress was interweaved with pieces of black lace, and her curled blonde waves suited it perfectly. Bill and her danced happily in the middle of the room.

"They look so cute together," Ginny smiled.

"They do, don't they?" Luna gave a soft smile.

I went back to dancing with Ginny, Luna and her Dad walking over to talk to Harry. Ginny and I's dance was interrupted my a ball of glowing green smoke, which now sat in the center of the tent as people scurried backwards in awe.

"The Ministry has fallen, the Minister of Magic, is dead. They are coming. They are coming," The light exclaimed. People began to panic, but I only had one thought. My book. They can't get their hands on my Mother's book. I began to scurry through the crowd, death eaters appearing as I ran into the house.

I swiftly grabbed the journal, running back into the tent to see Harry, Ron and Hermione about to apparate.

"Hold on!" Hermione yelled, as I grabbed on to their hands, apparating away to God knows where.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟒)Where stories live. Discover now