15 - Malfoy Manor

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**Possible TW, torture**

We were apparated to a Manor.

The driveway was long, dark clouds sitting in the sky as we walked to the main entrance. Perfectly cut bushes lined the concrete, lush green gardens behind it. Despite how peaceful the outside looked, the Manor itself was dark, made of depressing looking black wood.

We arrived at the main gate, three death eaters on the opposite side. Including Bellatrix LeStrange.

"Oh this is going to be loads of fun," she cackled, staring at me.

We were walked inside, Harry, Hermione and Ron in the main hall. Five of the snatchers had been told to guard me in the next room over. My hands were tied with ropes behind my back, duct tape covering my mouth.

I'd tried to escape multiple times, but with the amount of stress I was under, my low energy, and no hands to work with, I had managed to glow, but it sizzled out. I was no use. They laughed in my face every time I tried to escape.

"You're not as grand as they say you are," one whispered in my ear.

"Pathetic little bitch," another cackled.

But I was no longer paying attention to their words.

I saw Draco approach Harry through the glass door, and my eyes began to water. I whimpered, but the room had been silenced. Nobody could hear me except for the death eaters inside.

Lucius, Narcissa and the others stood with him.

"I say we start torturing her," one yelled.

"Bella said no spells, that's how she gains her power," another exclaimed.

"So how about we waterboard her?" one smirked.

"No, no," I whimpered, but it came out muffled due to the duct tape. I shook my head over and over again, rocking in my chair.

"Take off the tape," one said, the other ripping it off violently.

"Don't fucking touch me," I yelled.

"Shh, quiet," he yelled, untying me from the chair, laying me on the floor. Each held down a limb, while one put a cheesecloth over my mouth.

"Stop, no, please," I whimpered. "Please," I began to cry.

And then the water began to pour. I screamed as it fell on my face, suffocating me under the cloth as it got in my eyes, went in my nose, and began to drown me as it entered my mouth. Water filled my lungs as I choked, tears mixing with the water that poured over my face.

My body shook in terror as I gasped for as much air and power as I could, giving one last shrilling scream.

The windows began to crack, along with the glass door, shattering everything around me, causing the muffliato spell to break.

My vision went black.


My Father opened my door.

"We think we found Potter, come down to ID him immediately," he growled. I followed after him. There stood Weasley, Granger, and a very swollen Potter being held hostage by Bellatrix. But where the hell was Caroline?

"I can't be sure," I approached Potter, glancing around for any sight of my damn girlfriend. I hadn't seen her since Christmas for Merlin's sake. My Father grabbed the back of my neck aggressively.

"If we were the one's to hand Potter over to the dark lord, everything will be forgiven. All of this will go away," he said.

"Let's not forget who actually caught him," the snatcher exclaimed.

"You dare to talk to me like that in my own house," my Father screamed at him.

"Where's the girl?" I asked.

"Why do you care?" Lucius asked.

"She's being dealt with, don't worry about it boy," Bellatrix cackled.

Dealt with? The fuck did that mean?

"Don't be shy sweetie, come over," Bellatrix smiled, motioning for me to see Potter at a closer look. But I didn't have to. I already knew it was him.

"Look Draco, if this isn't who we think it is and we call him, he'll kill us all, we have to be absolutely sure," Bellatrix said.

"What's wrong with his face?" I asked.

"Yes, what is wrong with his face?"

"He came to us like that. I reckon it's something he picked up in the forest, dunno," one of the snatchers exclaimed.

"Or ran into a stinging jinx," Bellatrix whispered.

"Was it you, dear?" Bellatrix pointed her wand at Granger.

"Give me her wand, let's see what her last spell was," Bellatrix cantered, grabbing the wand our of Fenrir's hand.

"Got you," she examined the wand, cackling loudly. Her laugh made me shudder.

Granger and Weasley kept glancing at the door to the room across from us. It looked as though people were inside, but the glass was frosted. I couldn't make out any faces.

Suddenly Bellatrix gasped. "Where'd you get that from?" she screamed at one of the snatchers, pointing at the sword in his grasp.

"It was in her bag when we searched her. Reckon it's mine now," he smiled. Oh God. All hell was about to break loose.

Bellatrix hexed him, grabbing the sword out of his hands, every snatcher in the room began to asphyxiate on snake like ropes that shot down from the ceiling. Bellatrix's wand whipped around the room, until every snatcher lay passed out on the floor.

"Sissy, put the boys in the cellar. I've got to have a little conversation with this one. Girl, to girl," she screamed in Granger's face.

Suddenly, the glass door began to crack. We all looked in curiosity, the glass bursting revealing a shrilling scream coming from inside. I stumbled backwards.

"I thought we agreed to not use spells on this one," Bellatrix shrieked.

"We didn't," they exclaimed, carrying out a limp body.

"Draco, take her to the cellar," Bellatrix hissed, pushing me forward.

My heart broke.

It was her.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟒)Where stories live. Discover now