28 - I'm Done For

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We ran through corridors, and we reached the main one.

"I can't go with you," I exclaimed. This stopped them dead in their tracks.

"What?" Hermione turned around.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"People are dying, they need my help, you three find him and kill him, it's not me he wants," I stated.

"But he does want you," Harry said.

"Only so Bellatrix can torture and murder me, I have nothing to do with the prophecy," I pleaded.

"People need my help. Please, go," I waved them off, and hesitantly they ran off into the night.

I hid behind a corner.

Deep breaths.

I imagined all of the death eaters in the main corridor dead. And so I turned gold, light blaring from my veins and eyes, walking out into the main corridor, but I didn't use my ring for an extra boost. I was saving that.

Saving that for when I'd murder Bellatrix LeStrange in cold blood; a sword down the throat. Or a slash to the ribs, causing all of them to break, maybe. But I couldn't think about that; not now.

People stared in awe as I stood in the doorway, the death eaters shooting their spells at me only making my power pulse stronger. I screamed as bricks parted underneath every death eater standing in the hall. Christ, bricks were harder to manipulate than vines.

They rumbled as the death eaters began to get pulled into the concrete, finally reaching the dirt which was much easier to control. Their screams ceased as they died in the soil. I fell backwards, right into Luna.

"Goodness, Caroline! Are you alright?" she helped pull me into an empty corridor.

"Yeah, just killed at least thirty out there, my death eater count must be in the hundreds," I panted, leaning against the wall, my vision going in and out of consciousness.

"Go ahead and rest, I'll protect you," she smiled, allowing me to sit down.

She stood, wand in hand, ready, just in case.

"Did Neville talk to you?" I panted, out of breath.

"He did actually," she blushed.

A death eater appeared from the corner.

"Stupefy!" Luna exclaimed, sending him shooting backwards. I'd never realized how powerful she was.

After another five minutes, I decided I was ready.

"I think I'm good now," I stood shakily.

"Stay safe," she smiled at me. I began to walk, but decided to turn around.

"Hey, Luna?"


"Thank you."

She nodded with a smile, and I walked off, back into battle.

I stood with Aberforth and Ginny, fighting off the acromantulas, my golden spells tearing them apart, limb by limb.

"How are you not tired yet?" Ginny yelled at me in shock.

"Don't know, adrenaline I guess," I shouted back, fighting off a death eater.

"Sectumsempra!" I screamed, remembering what Harry had said last year in the bathroom.

"I ought to remember that one," Ginny yelled to me.

"I guess it did come in hand," I smiled.

We continued to fight, when we saw thousands of dementors pummeling towards the front gate.

"Holy fuck," I breathed, stumbling backwards, out of breath.

"We can't fight off that many," Ginny stood next to me.

Aberforth stood in front of us all, conjuring the most powerful patronus charm I'd ever seen in my life, nearly covering the entire courtyard, sending each and every one flying back with pulsating blue light.

"Cool," Ginny watched in awe, his spell coming to a close.

"BEHIND YOU!" Ginny screamed, pointing her wand to fight it off, but it was no use. I turned my head to see a Giant, holding a large club.

My eyes watched in shock as he scooped me up, hitting me right in the stomach before rocketing me into a nearby wall. I crumpled to the ground in pain, my breathing faint.

"Caroline," Ginny scrambled over to me, shrugging my limp body, but I could no longer hear her. In fact I couldn't hear anything.

I couldn't see the glowing ring on my finger.

I was gone.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟒)Where stories live. Discover now