6 - To Infiltrate the Ministry

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September 2nd


We'd created a plan. One to retrieve the horcrux locket back from Umbridge's possession; and it was absolutely mad.

"So you're saying we kidnap and knock out four Ministry agents, use polyjuice potion to steal their identities, infiltrate the Ministry of Magic which has, by the way, been overrun with death eaters who have a 70,000 galleon bounty on Harry and I, all to steal some locket from our abusive fifth year defense against the dark arts Professor?"

"Well if you put it like that, Caroline-"

"Sounds about right, yup," Ron cut Harry off.

"It's official, we're all gonna die."

The Next Morning...

We walked the streets of Muggle London, waiting by the corner until the four Ministry Agents passed by.

"They should be here by now," I whispered.

"Here they come," Harry pointed.

As they walked past, we casted our spells, dragging them into the garage we were using. Ron shut the door, as I made sure they were all knocked out.

Hermione plucked a hair from each of their heads, placing them into the vials of polyjuice potion.

"Right, remember what we said. Don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Try to act normal; do what everybody else is doing," Hermione exclaimed, handing us each a small bottle of the potion.

"This is completely mental," Harry muttered.

"Completely," Hermione repeated his words.

"The world's mental," Ron looked at me.

"Eh, fuck it. Cheers," Ron and I clanked bottles, chugging down the disgusting potion. It tasted exactly as I remembered it from second year; like goblin piss.

Harry and Hermione rolled their eyes at us, drinking it down.

I took the form of the tall blonde agent. At least she was pretty, I didn't want to have to go roaming around as some old guy.

We walked back out into the streets, Hermione and I splitting up away from Ron and Harry as we took the separate bathroom entrances.

"Dad told me about this part, we have to flush ourselves in," I shuddered. Poor lady, I was going to ruin her shoes.

Hermione and I stepped into the stalls, flushing ourselves inside. We appeared in the Ministry, where we had battled Voldemort only two years ago. It felt surreal to be back, but bustling with people this time.

We grouped up with Ron and Harry.

"Are those-"

"Muggles, in their so called rightful place," Hermione spat, finished Ron's sentence disgusted.

We stood in front of the main statue. It was muggles under a large piece of brick, struggling to hold up the wizarding world as it crushed them from above.

"Come on, we've got to hurry," I said, rushing over towards the elevators. Umbridge stood inside. We all gathered in with her, our eyes wide in shock.

"Lucy, shouldn't you be heading to the twelfth floor?" she smiled.

"Lucy?" she waved a hand in front of my face.

Right, shit. That was my new name.

"Oh, yes! I'm sorry, I've got a bit of a headache this morning," I smiled lightly.

"Well, off you go," Umbridge pressed the twelfth floor button. I stepped out, eyeing the doors as the elevator left, Hermione, Ron and Harry still inside.

I realized. This was my Dad's floor. Was I in the place of my Father's replacement? This was the Dragon's Research and Restraint Bureau. I walked inside, to see hundreds of baby dragons all in little habitats, some spitting fire from their tiny noses, some chomping down on plants.

I walked through the room, coming upon the nearly adult dragon section. The first one I saw was a beautiful Ukrainian Ironbelly. It shone it's beautiful ruby red eyes down at me in curiosity.

"Hi there fella," I reached up to pat it's head. It sniffled in delight, a tad bit of fire spurting out of it's nose, leaving ash on my sleeve. It had metallic silver scales, and long talons. The label on it's habitat read 'Atlantis', four years old, to be moved to Gringott's Bank by 11/23/97.

"Did my Dad name you?" I looked up at her.

I shone my eyes golden for just a moment, catching it by surprise. It nuzzled against my hand, almost as if it knew. I was her old caretaker's daughter.

"My middle name is Atlantis," I smiled. She huffed happily at me, bearing her large teeth as she seemed to smile.

I looked at the time; I was due to meet Harry and the others in the circular corridor five minutes ago.

"I'm sorry to leave you hanging, but I've got friends to meet up with," I gave her one last small pet goodbye, running back to the elevator room.

I arrived, but the circle was empty.

After minutes of waiting, a very shaken up woman stood with Ron, Hermione and Harry, who had all turned back into their natural forms.

Mine had worn off without realizing it as well.

"Caroline, the bounty on your head is much much higher than my seventy thousand," Harry panted.

"What is it?" I asked confusedly.

"One million."

"We can talk about this later, let's get out of here," Hermione motioned us into the elevator.

The elevators dropped us off at the main room, shuffling with people as we walked carefully to the fireplaces at the exit, the floo powder ready in Hermione's hand.

"It's Harry Potter," Someone pointed in shock.

God damnit.

"And the Golden Blood Witch!" Another yelled.

Excuse me?

We began to run, Harry flinging his wand at the newspapers on the nearby tables, blurring the death eaters' view as they chased after us, people screaming in anger.

"Look, I'm very honored you all have given me a nickname, but we really must be going now," I yelled, panting, grabbing Ron's hand to make him run faster.

We all jumped into the fireplace, Ron's hand still in mine as I grasped onto Hermione and Harry's connected arms with my free hand.

Ron let out a shrill scream as we entered, spawning roughly in the midst of an autumn forest. I sat up, bewildered, to hear whimpering.

Ron had been hit.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟒)Where stories live. Discover now