35 - We Were Happy

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Play Fantasy Theme by Kevin Krauter while reading !
June 24th

"Are you ready?" I asked, Draco standing over his bags, checking his luggage.

"Ready," he smiled.

Today we'd be moving in with the Weasley's at the Burrow until we finished renovating my parent's cottage. I couldn't wait to begin.

We swiftly apparated, luggage in hand, to see Mrs. Weasley ready at the door with hugs.

"Good to see you dear, you'll be moving into one of our extra rooms," she smiled, taking my luggage into the living room before giving both Draco and I a hug. I smiled as he stood stiffly, unused to the amount of love he was receiving, but accepted her hug anyways.

He was going to feel right at home.

We left our stuff in our room, sat down for a quick lunch, then apparated to the cottage to see what we'd be dealing with.

We landed in the green wild grass, right besides the old, rocky driveway.

"This'll have to be paved," Draco said.

"Shall we?" I slipped my hand in his.

"Let's go see our dream home," he smiled, beginning to walk down the long winding road.

Seagulls cawed above our heads, the sound of crashing waves in the distance. A feeling of nostalgia washed over my senses as we walked, the warm summer breeze blowing through our hair.

We approached the house, the windows broken, walls overgrown with vines and weeds, nature having taken over the little cottage.

"We definitely have a lot of work to do," Draco carefully pushed open the door, stepping inside, broken glass crunching beneath his shoes.

"We'll need a few extensions as well," I said, looking around my childhood home. We continued to look around the house, the golden sun beginning to set in the distance.

"Show me the beach," he said.

I took his hand, and lead him down the overgrown dirt to sand pathway that lead to a small beach. I'd grown up here; this felt so surreal.

I threw off my shoes, putting my bare feet in the sand, and Draco did the same. We began to walk, the soft sand below us. Draco seemed anxious; on edge. He kept running his hands through his hair, biting his lip.

"Are you okay?" I stopped and asked him. He looked at me.

"You know I love you, you know that?" he smiled nervously.

"What are you on about?" I giggled. He took both my hands in his.

"I um- just- we grew up in completely different lives. You had a peaceful cottage turned destructive, I was a little boy with a manipulative father. And then, in the middle of the chaos, was you. And I remember, standing in the middle of Flourish and Blotts, thinking, 'wow, she really is something else, isn't she?'"

He slipped a small box out of his back pocket.

"And then we met that evening in the courtyard, the sun setting in the distance, and I fell in love with you. It was always you."

And he got down on one knee.

"I want to spend the rest of my sunsets with you. Caroline Bellegreen, will you marry me?"

A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Yes, yes, a million times yes," I smiled, as he placed the ring on my finger, standing up to kiss me.

And as we twirled around in the sand, our lips connected, I knew somewhere, my parents were looking over us from above, finally at peace knowing the war was over.

And we were happy.


EEEEEEK guys the book isn't over just yet, y'all I'm bawling this book has been an emotional roller coaster. I've been asked to write their life in full detail so I'll be doing my best to write a few more chapters of them rebuilding the cottage, etc. I hope you've enjoyed so far :)

- Callie

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