22 - Atlantis Has Wings

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We scrambled outside, treasure spilling out of the doors as we ran.

"Thieves!" Griphook yelled, at least two dozen armed guards behind him.

"That little git, at least we've still got Bogrod," Ron pointed, referencing to the goblin still under his imperio curse. The little goblin walked out, standing right in front of the starved dragon, and before anyone could stop him, he was burnt to a crisp by the flames that exited it's nose.

"Not anymore," I panted, spells flying at us from the guards forcing us to hide behind the walls.

"We can't just stand here, who's got an idea?" Hermione yelled.

"I've got one but it's bloody stupid," I yelled in response.

"Well go ahead then," Ron motioned. "Do it."

"Reducto," I yelled, wand in hand, the railing in front of us blowing to pieces. I took a deep breath.

Spells shot by me, and I leaped from the ledge onto the dragon's back. She jumped a little in surprise, then looked back to see me. I shone my eyes gold a little.

"It's me," I smiled.

She seemed to understand, and began to spurt fire from her nose towards the guards.

"Come on!" I yelled, Hermione, Ron and Harry all following my lead, jumping onto the dragon's back. We held tightly onto the spikes on her back.

"Reducto!" Hermione yelled again, releasing the dragon's feet from her chains so she could fly up into the air.

We began to climb the cave walls, her talons digging into bits of rock, causing them to fall to the ground in sharp bangs. We climbed higher, more guards coming down in carts, but the dragon's wing hit the rail causing it to fly downwards, the carts falling off into the empty nothingness, people hitting the ground dead.

We finally made it to the top, the dragon hitting it's head through the floor, flying us up over the bank. We sat atop Diagon Alley, looking out over the wizarding world.

"The muggles-"

"It doesn't matter Harry, let's go," I yelled.

The dragon began to fly up into the sky. It flew us through the clouds, over cities, into the fields, over lakes.

"We're dropping!" Harry yelled.

"I say we jump," I suggested.

"When?" Hermione yelled back.

"NOW!" Harry let go of the spike, dropping into the water below. I took a deep breath before releasing my hands, free falling into the dark water below.

I hit the surface with a crash, opening my eyes to swim to the shore. All of us stumbled over, Hermione unbuckling her bag to find us warm clothes.

"He knows, you know who, he knows we broke into Gringotts, he knows what we took, and he knows we're hunting horcruxes," Harry panted.

"You let him in? Harry you can't do that-"

"He can't help it Hermione, it's not his fault," I cut her off. She handed me my gryffindor quidditch sweater along with some ripped jeans. I dried off my docs with a quick spell.

"Nevermind what happened," Ron exclaimed.

"Well he's angry, and scared too. He knows if we find and destroy all the horcruxes we'll be able to kill him. I reckon he'll stop at nothing to make sure we don't find the rest," Harry said.

"Draco said he had a snake he kept with him at all times, thinks there's a possibility that's one of them," I exclaimed.

"Oh yeah, there's more. One of them is at Hogwarts," Harry panted.

"What? You saw it?" Hermione said out of shock.

"I saw the castle Hermione, and Rowena Ravenclaw, it must have something to do with her. We have to go there, now," Harry yelled.

"What? No, no, we have to plan-"

"Hermione, when have any of our plans ever actually worked? We make one, we get there, all hell breaks loose," Harry huffed.

"He's right, but we've got a problem. Snape's headmaster now, we can't just walk through the front door," Ron exclaimed.

"Um, well, we'll go to Honeydukes, take the secret passage in the cellar," Harry said.

"There'll be tons of security at Hogsmeade," I said.

"Not as bad as Hogwarts, it's worth a shot," Hermione said.

"There's something wrong with him. It's like, you know, in the past, I've always been able to follow his thoughts. But recently, we just seem disconnected," Harry exclaimed.

"Maybe he's weaker, maybe he's dying," Ron said hopefully.

"No, it's more like he's wounded. If anything he feels more dangerous," Harry exclaimed.

"I say we rest here for about an hour then apparate straight to Hogsmeade," I said.

"I agree, we need at least thirty minutes to regain ourselves," Hermione nodded.


Mother, Father, Bellatrix and I all sat at the table, our heads down, my eyes squeezed shut. Voldemort had just murdered nearly every Gringotts guard, goblin, and worker in our living room. He walked barefoot across the floorboards, their blood soaking his feet, his snake slithering next to him.

As usual, my hand was squeezed in my Mother's under the table.

I was fucking terrified.

I'd never seen so many people dead in front of my eyes, let alone be forced to witness innocent people's executions in my own household.

Fuck my father for dragging me into this.

I should've never come back.

𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐄 - 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 (𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝟒)Where stories live. Discover now