Chapter 1

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Being a student at UA has been ... interesting to say the least. Class 1-A is filled with some wild people and I have to admit, it's made life a lot less boring. Not to mention, I'm in a relationship with Shinsou Hitoshi. Isn't that crazy? I never thought I'd be dating anyone, much less with someone like Shinsou. We've been together since before the Sports Festival. I first met him when I accidentally bumped into him when I was rushing to get to class. Luckily he caught me so I didn't embarrass myself too much, but ever since that moment, I couldn't get him out of my head. He didn't seem the least bit interested in me ... he didn't remember my name but I'm stubborn and didn't give up until he agreed to get coffee with me at a cat cafe. Fast forward to the present and we're as happy as can be.

There's no one that knows me better than Shinsou. Hell, he knows me better than I know myself and that's scary. I like to think that I know him just as well, but sometimes I can't tell. He's not as expressive as I am so it's hard to tell what goes on that gorgeous head of his.

Anyways, since we had the day off from school today, I invited Shinsou to my dorm so we could spend some time together. We hardly see each other during the day since we're in separate classes and even though he sometimes comes over at night, we're too tired to do much of anything besides sleep.

Excited to spend time with him, I got a bit restless and started to tidy up my desk. It's not cluttered or anything, but I had notebooks and loose papers were strewn about. I neatly organized the papers and placed them in a drawer beside my desk along with the notebooks. There, that looks so much better. I smiled as I looked at my organized desk and waited for a knock at my door.

Luckily, I didn't have to wait too long since about five minutes later he appeared at my door.

"Hey, Toshi!" I grinned as soon as I saw him and quickly invited him in.

"Hi, Kitty," he replied as he kissed my forehead sweetly. I blushed at the gentle gesture and giggled.

"You doing okay?" I asked as he plopped down on my bed and let out a yawn.

He nodded, "Yeah, I didn't sleep so well last night."

I sat down on the edge of my bed and combed my fingers through his hair as he sank down further in the mattress. His hair's a stunning indigo color ... depending on how the sun hits it, it either looks more blue or purple. It really is pretty ... I can't help but be jealous sometimes. Shinsou closed his eyes as I stroked his hair and he visibly relaxed. I know that he has trouble sleeping, but he's vague about why. I don't know if it's nightmares or stress, but it worries me when he doesn't get enough sleep. He doesn't talk about it either. I don't know why though ... if he's having nightmares he could tell me about it and work through them. Could he be embarrassed about nightmares? I don't know why he would be ashamed of them since everybody has nightmares. If something's upsetting him enough that it's affecting his sleep I think it's worth talking about. But I guess he doesn't feel the same way. I mean, he's not very vocal about his anxieties so I guess that's just part of who he is.

The dark circles under his eyes stand out on his pale, porcelain-like skin and I couldn't help but softly slide my thumb across them. If only I could help him sleep better ...

"You wanna take a nap?" I suggested softly.

"Are you sure? All we do is sleep," He complained a little but made no effort to sit up.

"I'm sure, you can't even keep your eyes open," I rolled my eyes as I lightly shoved his body over so there was room for me on the bed.

"Thanks ... I'm sorry, Kitty," he wrapped me up in his arms and I shook my head as I kissed him.

"Don't be, now get some rest okay? I'll set an alarm for two hours. Does that sound good?" I whispered as I set the alarm.

"Yeah, that's perfect," Shinsou pulled the covers over us and pulled me closer.

"Good night, Toshi," I lifted my head to kiss him and he smiled against my lips.

"Night, Kitty ... I love you."

"I love you more," I felt my cheeks burn and I snuggled closer to him as I fell asleep to the sound of his beating heart.

Two hours later, we woke up to the blaring sound of the alarm. I groaned as I turned off the alarm and rubbed my eyes to wake up. Shinsou stretched beside me and I smiled as I sat up.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked softly.

He nodded, "I did ... thanks for letting me nap," Shinsou ran a hand through his hair as he yawned.

"Of course!" Honestly, it's not like we had anything planned for the day anyway, so taking a nap wouldn't have affected what we did.

"You're soft ... did you know that?" he chuckled as he poked my cheek and I smirked in response.

"Weirdo," I turned my head to playfully bite his hand but he acted quick and pulled his hand back before I chomped down, "Damn ... I was so close."

"Gotta be quicker than that, Kitty," Shinsou winked at me and we shared a laugh. After that, we spent most of the day relaxing and watching a few of our favorite movies. 

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