Chapter 25

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For a few months, I've been swallowed by heavy darkness that's now starting to lighten all around me. I can finally see a light all the way at the end of the tunnel and now I know for sure that everything is going to be okay. However, that doesn't mean that the pain's gone away. Even though I've stopped crying myself to sleep, I still find myself shedding a few tears every now and then. Especially after seeing Shinsou and Kaminari together so happily. I don't know if what I feel is pure jealousy or just intense sadness ... maybe it's a little bit of both. It hurts so much seeing them as happy as can be as if they've completely forgotten about me. I know they haven't. They continue to text me at least once a day, so it's clear they still feel guilty.

I used to run to my room so I can get away from everyone, but now I stay behind and wait until the halls are empty before I walk to my room. Sometimes, Kirishima walks with me or Todoroki waits for me and we walk together. Midoriya's always running around like crazy so he's usually out the door the second class is dismissed. I've seen Bakugou leave the classroom but come back minutes later to check if I've left. He tries so hard not to let me know he cares, but then pouts and throws a fit when I ignore him or pretend I don't see him. I know he cares about his friends, so why does he try so hard to pretend he doesn't? I'm sure that's exhausting.

Anyway, today I didn't get to the dorms until late. I stayed behind to get some

extra help with my essay. I didn't plan on staying in the school a few hours after classes ended, but Present Mic got distracted easily and kept talking about random topics as we went through my essay. I have to admit, I did have fun. Even though I did get a bit frustrated when he started talking about something else.

By the time I made it back to the dorms, the sun was setting, tinging the campus in a blanket of orange. I was exhausted, and all I wanted to do was have some dinner, take a shower, and fall asleep. The only thing keeping me going was knowing that it's officially the weekend and I don't have to wake up early.

"Y/N! Where have you been?" Kirishima shouted from the table as I walked into the common room. He was hanging out with Sero and Bakugou having dinner when I arrived.

"Hey, guys! I was with Present Mic," I let out a sigh as I walked toward them. Out

of the corner of my eye, I saw Kaminari snuggling up against Shinsou in front of the TV. However, when they heard my name being called out, their heads perked up and in a panic, they separated. I pretended not to notice as I sat beside Sero, my back facing the couches.

"Present Mic?" Sero tilted his head to the side and I nodded.

"Yeah, I had a few questions about my essay since his notes and comments are

impossible to read," I chuckled and they all understood.

"You hungry? We saved you some dinner!" Kirishima grinned and I nodded.

"Yes, please!" I felt touched by their kindness and wasting no time, Kirishima

quickly made his way to the kitchen where he pulled a warm plate from the oven.

"Feels like forever since we had dinner together," Sero pointed out as he smiled warmly.

"Aw, I know! Let's eat together more often!" I suggested and his already big smile

grew even wider. Kirishima returned a few moments later and plated a bowl of ramen in front of me.

"Wow, this looks great! Thank you," the delicious smell already made me feel better and I started eating right away. From the satisfied look on Bakugou's face, I can tell that he's the one who actually cooked it. I was aware he knew how to cook, but I didn't know he was this talented. If he didn't have that terrible temper, he'd be the perfect friend.

"So ... how are you holding up, Buttercup?" Sero asked as he nudged my shoulder gently. Buttercup? That's new. He usually calls me Cielo or Flor, but I kinda like Buttercup ... it's cute.

I shrugged, "I'm doing better. It still sucks seeing them like that every day but ... you know," I said quietly, subtly gesturing toward the happy couple on the green couches and for a split second, everyone at the table glanced back at them. Bakugou glared but he's always glaring at someone, but Kirishima and Sero had a very displeased expression on their faces. It's unusual to see Sero without his signature smile, and seeing anger in his eyes was unsettling.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm okay," I smiled as I put a gentle hand on his shoulder, and seeing my genuine expression resulted in his thousand-watt smile returning to his face.

"You're pretty strong, you know?" Sero let out a dry laugh as he went back to his dinner and I sighed.

"I don't think so. If I was, I wouldn't have broken the way I did," My voice came out softer than I intended. I mean it's true, right? If I wasn't so weak, and dependent on Shinsou and Kaminari, then I wouldn't have reacted the way I did. If I was just a bit stronger, I would have recovered quicker, but I'm weak and therefore broke. Shattered. The larger pieces are getting put together over time, but it's the little shards that are still missing. The obvious cracks aren't glued together yet, so if I were to break again ... who knows if the shards would ever fit. 

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