Chapter 41

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I have to admit ... everything is great nowadays. There's no more tension in the dorm or class, the days go on without any tears and I'm so much closer to everyone now. At this point, Todoroki and I are almost inseparable. We've been training together, studying together, hanging out together ... and I don't mind at all. Even though I have reservations about calling him my best friend ... it's the most fitting label I can place on our relationship.

He still comes over every day at 7 PM but this time when we watch movies ... we share a blanket and sometimes we've even snuggled together. And when we do ... I don't want to pull away. I should just admit it already but I refuse. Every time I just try and say that I ... I-. Fuck, I can't even say it in my head.

Feelings. I can't even admit that I have feelings for him. Well, first of all, what if he doesn't feel the same way? And if I do end up telling him ... what if it changes everything? I can't lose another friend. I can't go through all that grief again. Not just that ... but what if he does feel the same way? And we're happy together, but then what if he leaves me the same way Shinsou did? What if he hurts me? Worse, what if I hurt him? I-I don't know what to do. It's safer to just leave things the way they are. I really love how things are now.

My mind's been filled with thoughts of Todoroki lately and I always have this goofy smile on my face whenever I see him. It's not just me either! I catch him smiling at himself sometimes or in class, I catch him glancing at me. Every morning, I look forward to 7 PM to spend quality time with him. Ugh, this familiar, bittersweet emotion is a huge pain and I didn't think it'd be able to feel it again. Dramatic, yes I know but I feel like it's too soon. If I were to be with him ... I want to be the very best I can be for him. I'm still broken ... I'm missing a few small pieces that are detrimental to keeping me together. Todoroki's broken too ... he's been broken for much longer though and I've been doing my best to help him find those missing pieces.

I don't know, am I making this more complicated than it is? Am I just blowing all of this out of proportion? Sighing, I leaned back in my desk chair and rubbed my temples. I looked at the time and it was 5:32 PM. I just finished my assignments and thought I'd get ahead in some of the readings for class, but I can't focus. Every time I try to read a sentence, I read the first part and zone out for the second half. Ugh, I need a distraction. So, I turned on the TV and started watching a movie.

It worked for about ten minutes until I got a text message from Todoroki. I'm ashamed of the stupid smile that formed on my face when I saw that the message was from him.

'Hey, Y/N.'

'Hey, Todoroki!'

'There's something I must confess to you,' Confess? A thousand scenarios rushed to my head and my smile fell. Confess? Confess what? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?

'Oh? Sure, lay it on me,' I tried to sound casual but I was panicking.

'I understand that what I'm about to say will change our dynamic, but I can't hide my feelings any longer. I like you. I like you a lot. I understand that you're apprehensive and anxious about relationships but I just needed to tell you how I feel,' ... Huh? I reread the text several times before I even thought to respond. Did he just say that he likes me? Not once ... but twice. He said he likes me. Then he said he likes me a lot. Did I ... read that right?

'Todoroki ... I-'

'It's okay, you don't have to say anything. Don't feel pressured to return my feelings either,' But I do! Oh my god, I do ... but how do I even start? What do I even say?! Do I just repeat what he said? Oh, but I don't want it to seem like I stole his confession ...

'No no, please just give me a moment to collect my thoughts and find the right words.'

'I hope I haven't offended you or made you uncomfortable with my sudden confession.'

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