Chapter 23

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"Hey, Y/N!" Kirishima called out to me as I walked into the dorm. He was in the kitchen getting a snack with Bakugou.

"Oh, hey guys!" I greeted them with a smile.

"Want a snack?" Kirishima held up a bag of chips and I shook my head.

"Nah, I'm okay, thanks though!" I waved away the offer and turned around so I could return to the safety of my room.

"Wait! Why don't you hang out with us? It's been a while .... And we kinda miss you!" Kirishima scratched the back of his neck bashfully and I blushed at his sweet words. I mean, he's right. It's been a while since I hung out with him and Midoriya ... I've been spending most of my time either alone or with Todoroki. Wow, I'm a trash friend.

"Speak for yourself, Shitty Hair!" Bakugou growled at Kirishima.

"Oh, come on now Bakubro, you missed them!" Kiri teased with a smirk.

"NO, I DIDN'T!" Bakugou shouted as little explosions erupted from the palms of his hand. All I could do was watch this interaction from the other side of the counter. Bakugou shouting is the only constant variable in my life and I don't think I've ever been so grateful for his volatile temper.

"Aw, you missed me Bakugou? Didn't know you had a soft side," I felt bold and decided to tease back. Of course, that caused him to turn his anger on me, but I didn't flinch. I'm used to Bakugou by now and know better than anyone that he's all bark and no bite.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" he shouted as he put both of his hands on his on the counter facing me. I giggled as he glared at me, his crimson eyes full of fury. No matter how pissed off he is, he'd never hurt a single person. He threatens and shouts but that's all it is.

"You can be honest, it's okay," I chuckled, "I missed you guys too ... I'm sorry for being a pretty trash friend lately."

"Aww, you're not a trash friend! Don't even say that!" Kirishima reached over the counter to pet my head and I felt better having him say that.

"The fuck?! They neglect us and you're just over it? Well, I'm not!" Bakugou folded his arms over his chest and the smile on my face fell. Wow, I never heard Bakugou say something so sincere before. Now I really feel bad ... I made Bakugou feel neglected. I didn't even know he felt that way since he doesn't even talk to me, let alone made me feel that we were actual friends.

"Bakugou ... I'm sorry," I apologized softly with my hands placed on my chest. Walking around the counter, I pulled them both into a hug. Of course, Bakugou struggled, but for a single moment, I thought I felt him hug me back.

"Kiri too ... I'm sorry," looking up at Kirishima, I saw that he was blushing slightly.

"I forgive you," Kiri smiled, "Besides, you've been going through a hard time. I'd be feeling pretty shitty too if I saw my ex making out on the couch with the person he cheated with."

"Yeah... it's not a good time," I replied a bit awkwardly.

"Have you ... talked to them?" Kiri asked. I haven't opened Shinsou's messages since the day I texted him and I still haven't read any of Kaminari's messages. Both of them still message me every day, probably in the hopes that I'll actually respond.

"Well, I texted Shinsou a little bit ago," I let out a sigh and anticipating a story, Kirishima dragged Bakugou and me to the tables. We sat in the far corner of the room and when we were all situated, I started explaining.

"All I wanted was an explanation you know? So, I was finally ready to hear everything. However .... Apparently, they fell in love a few months after I found out Shinsou cheated," I told them the very short version and they looked so shocked.

"Wait ... months?!" Kirishima's jaw was on the floor and I nodded.

"His exact words were a few months. Isn't that crazy?" I shook my head as I let out a sigh.

"Damn, what a piece of shit," Kirishima glared at the table and I glanced at Bakugou who looked ... neutral? I'm not sure how to explain it. Like he looks pissed off, but calm at the same time? I think he's just taking all this in and trying to piece together his thoughts.

"Funny, Todoroki said the same thing," I chuckled and that's when BAkugou's eyes widened.

"No way that Icy-Hot cursed," Bakugou scoffed and I let out an actual laugh.

"I was so surprised too! So I made him say it again and he did not stutter!"

"I would have PAID to hear him say that," Kirishima joked.

"That scene plays rent-free in my frontal lobe," I pointed to my forehead and I saw Bakugou smile, only a little though.

"Listen ... I really mean it. I'm sorry for distancing myself from you guys," I got a little serious, "I spent a lot of time overthinking, you know? I mean, Kaminari was my best friend, my number one, and to know now that he went behind my back for a few months ... kinda ruined my ability to trust," I opened up to them a little bit and when I met their gazes, I only saw compassion and understanding.

"You don't have to explain it, we get it," Kirishima assured me.

"Don't do it again, nerd," Bakugou glared but looked away from me. I found that to be so endearing and I reached over the table to tousle his hair.

"Didn't know you could be so soft, Bakugou," I teased him to lighten the atmosphere and he growled.

"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME, YOU DAMN NERD!" Bakugou shouted and I could have sworn I saw smoke coming from his ears. Kirishima and I started laughing and I felt really good. Damn, I really do love these guys. 

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