Chapter 42: The End

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"Todoroki ... can we take things slow? I-I want to be with you, but I want to be the best for you," I met his gaze and he brought me over to the bed where we sat down.

"Shouto ... please call me Shouto," he looked nervous as he asked me to call him by his first name and that surprised me.

"Really?" A smile crept on my face and he nodded.

"It's okay if it's you," Shouto assured me. I was still a bit hesitant to call him by his first name but if he really wants me to and says it's okay ... why should I deny that adorable request?

"Okay ... Shouto," I said his name out loud for the first time and the second I did, his entire face turned crimson. I chuckled as he covered his mouth with his hand to hide his embarrassment. Even his ears turned red ... I don't think I've ever seen him blush this much.

"Hey, don't hide," I gently took his hand from his face and he looked down to avoid my gaze. Shouto's so cute, especially when he gets shy like this.

"I'm going at your pace ... I'll never do something without your permission," he met my gaze again and my heart fluttered at the sight of his honesty, "Just knowing you return my feelings is enough for me."

I'm speechless ... I don't know what to say but I want him to know that I'm really happy right now. Looking down at our joined hands, I laced my fingers with his and slid my thumb across his index finger.

"Just ... bear with me, okay?" my voice came out softer than I intended and in response, he gave my hand a squeeze.

"I will. Just know that I'm not him," Shouto spoke gently and my breath caught in my throat. I know he's not Shinsou ... and I can't compare the two, but I can't help it. It's not fair to Shouto if I compare them ... they're entirely two different people.

"I know ... I know you're not him," I lifted my free hand and brushed away a few locks of hair that covered his blue eye, "Shouto ... I want to be there for you just like you've been there for me. To make you just as happy."

A sweet smile spread on his face that reached his eyes and neither of us spoke for a few moments. I meant everything I said too. He's been through so much hurt and so young too. No one deserves to be happy and to feel safe more than he does. I want to be the person he goes to for help, to be there for him when he needs someone the most. I genuinely want to be with him and I won't let my negative, intrusive thoughts prevent me from finding happiness again.

"You already do all those things," Shouto spoke shyly and I blushed even more. What I would give to see myself the way Shouto sees me ... I don't feel like I've been doing all those things, but he says he does. I have no choice but to believe him right? After all, he's never once told a lie. Shouto's honest to a fault and that's a quality I can stand behind.

"Hold me, will you?" Feeling bashful, I looked away for a moment and he gently pulled me into his arms. He moved his legs so they were on the bed and gently sat me down in between them so he could hold me close. My head was resting on his shoulder and I could feel his heart racing. He's so warm ... and he's holding me so gingerly. How long has it been since I've felt this warm? This specific warmth is different than the usual warmth when he'd hug me. This feels totally different. This nostalgic warmth is both terrifying and addicting.

"I'll put you back together again ... I promise to protect you and your heart," Shouto's gentle voice was reassuring even though what he said was a bit cheesy. I needed to hear it though and I'm going to believe it. I'm done holding myself back. I'm starting over, this is a clean slate and I'll do whatever it takes to protect his heart just like he'll protect mine.

Pulling away just enough to gaze into his eyes, I raised my hand and caressed his cheek, "I want to protect you too ... we're a team, right? So, we'll rely on each other," I said softly. Shouto's eyes widened just a bit and he looked a bit surprised to hear those words. He's still learning about friendship and how to lean on other people, so I know I have to be patient with him on that front but I don't mind.

"Yeah ... we're a team," face flushed scarlet, he leaned down and kissed my forehead lovingly. I closed my eyes and relished in the gentle and warm sensation. Feeling both bashful and beyond content, I buried my face in his chest when he pulled away from me. Shouto chuckled as he hugged me tighter and dropped sweet kisses all over my head, ears, temples, and cheeks.

"Shouto?" I called out his name through my laughter and that's when he eased up on the vicious kiss attack.


"How are you feeling right now?" I asked, draping my arms around his neck.

"I am very happy. How are you feeling?"

"I am the happiest I've ever been in months," I shrugged as I gave my honest answer and he looked relieved.

"I'm so glad ..." Shouto whispered as he pressed his forehead against mine. His arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close to his chest while my hand was on the back of his head, keeping him in place.

"Can I kiss you?" I whispered.

"...You don't need to ask," Shouto's reply was short as he pressed his lips against mine, and at that moment, I wished I had a time quirk so I could pause and live this moment out forever. His kiss was so gentle at first, a featherlight kiss, a mere brushing of the lips before we leaned in closer and the kiss deepened naturally. My heart was pounding so loud I thought for sure Shouto could hear it. But I didn't care. All I could focus on was the fact that I'm actually kissing him. I don't remember kissing someone feeling this perfect ... this amazing.

As we continued to kiss, we slowly fell back onto the bed. I don't want this moment to ever end. Right here, right now is the happiest I think I've ever been and I want this feeling to stay forever. Not just for me, but I want Shouto to feel this happy, this cared for ... he truly deserves it.

Our lips parted with a soft smacking sound and the first thing I did was let out a laugh. A real, genuine laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked with a smirk.

I shook my head, "Nothing ... nothing's funny I'm just so happy and I don't know what to do about it."

"Well ... we can be happy together ... forever," Shouto's voice softened and I hugged him close. You know, in the entire time Shinsou and I were together ... he never once mentioned forever. That was me. I was the one who thought of the future, Shinsou was more of a 'here and now' type of guy. But Shouto ... Shouto just said forever. He's the one who said it and to be on the receiving side of the sentiment ... honestly brought tears to my eyes. They are different. They're so different. If anyone can put me back together it's Shouto. And if there's anyone who can put Shouto together ... it's me. Both of us are thinking about our future and even though this is so new for both of us ... we'll be okay. 

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