Chapter 13

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About a half-hour later, we arrived at the arcade and I was being dragged around by Midoriya, Kirishima, Ashido, and Sero. They were indecisive about where to start and as a result, we ran around three loops around the building before settling on a game. I'm already spent and we just got here! Why'd they have to drag me around like that? My arm was about to pop out of the socket if they dragged me around much longer. Kirishima was doing most of the dragging and I think he forgets how strong he is compared to other people. Not to mention how fast he was running? There was literally no reason for him to be sprinting around the arcade. It's not like we're on a time crunch, we're here until this place closes, so there's plenty of time.

Even though half of the time I was being dragged around by Kirishima, I was in a good mood. I have to admit though, I was having fun. They made sure to make me feel included and made sure I was doing okay. I played every game with them and even got competitive. I felt like my old self for the first time in a very long time and I made sure to enjoy every moment of it. I don't want to go back to feeling like an empty shell. I want my life back.

"Y/N! Have a snack with me!" Midoriya asked as he took my hand and dragged me away from Kirishima's group. He was much gentler dragging me to the little food court within the arcade. When we got to the table, Iida, Todoroki, and Uraraka were already there having a lively conversation.

"Hey guys," I greeted them as I sat down next to Todoroki.

"Hey!" Uraraka greeted me sweetly and I smiled.

"I'll be right back," Midoriya left to get something to eat and I relaxed at the table.

"Are you doing alright?" Todoroki asked softly from beside me.

"Yeah, I'm alright," I turned my head to talk to him and I was surprised by how close we were. I mean I know the table is small, but I didn't think we'd be so close. Our shoulders were practically pressed together and I was able to feel how warm he was. It wasn't a bad thing though.

"Good, I'm glad," A small smile played on his lips and I felt my heart flutter for a second. I don't think I've ever seen him smile before. Even though it was a small smile, it softened his face. Todoroki's actually pretty cute. My eyes have been on Shinsou since the start of the school year but now that we're not together anymore, I've noticed how attractive almost everyone is. Not just attractive physically, but their personalities too. For example, Kirishima is so respectful and is always positive; Midoriya puts others first, sometimes putting himself at risk, and he's an amazing listener. Not just the guys, but the girls too. Momo is gentle and caring while Ashido is upbeat and silly. How come I never realized how incredible everyone is? It's like I'm seeing them all for the first time and I'm happily surprised.

"I'm back!" Midoriya returned with two snack boxes and placed one in front of me.

"Thank you," I felt touched by his kindness and he brushed it off with a smile. He even got me my favorite snack ... fuck I could cry. Everyone is being so nice and I'm reminded once again how I neglected them the past few weeks. I've been too busy drowning in my own misery that I couldn't see their efforts. At the time, I found it to be irritating but now I know they were just trying their best to be there for me. If I didn't shut down, I'd probably be back to normal by now, well mostly normal. I won't shut them out anymore. I need them now more than ever and I'm an idiot for only realizing that now. Bakugou's right, I have to get my shit together.

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