Chapter 15: Kaminari's POV

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The next day, my fears turned into reality. Shinsou texted me after school. All the message said was 'they know' and that was enough to drain all the blood from my face. My stomach dropped and a cold sweat crept over my body. Oh no ... oh fuck ... oh shit .. what do I do now?! How did they find out?! Who told them?! Was it Shinsou? No ... he would have told me. Should I text Firefly? What do I tell them? No amount of apologies could even begin to fix this.

I panicked and stood absolutely still in the middle of my room. Frozen in fear, I couldn't even breathe. It felt like my world collapsed ... if this is how I feel, how does Firefly feel? How is Shinsou doing? I'm worried about both of them ... should I even try talking to Firefly? Would they even listen? Would I just make it worse?

Maybe I should see Shinsou ... he's probably in his room. If he was here, he would have walked in by now. Taking a few deep breaths, I left my room and walked down the hallway. However, I stopped in front of Firefly's room which was right down the hall. From where I was standing, I could hear them bawling. I've never heard them cry like that before ... oh man. They're in total despair and it's all my fault.

I covered my mouth with my hand as I continued to hear their painful sobs and I started to tear up. I was about to knock on the door when I stopped myself. I'm the last person they want to see right now ... I'll just give them some space. Taking a deep breath to collect myself, I walked toward the elevator and headed downstairs to the common room. Luckily, it was empty and I sprinted to Shinsou's dorm. The second I got to his room, I didn't even bother knocking as I walked in.

Shinsou was on his bed, face in his hands with his phone beside him. Judging from the water droplets on his grey sweatpants and the sound of his sniffling, he's been crying for a while.

"Shinsou!" I called out his name which caused his head to snap up. I closed the door behind me and rushed to his side, wrapping my arms around him. He didn't say anything as he hugged me back and cried into my shoulder.

"What happened?" I asked carefully as he began to calm down.

"They had a picture. Someone sent them a picture of us together," he explained in a raw voice. Oh shit, I knew it. Who was it though?! There was no one around us! We were in a secluded part of the school!

I couldn't say anything as I consoled Shinsou. He was devastated ... all I can do now is be there for him and help him through this. After all, he's all I have now. Now that Firefly knows about what I did, there's no doubt in my head that they hate me. Not just them, when the class finds out, they're going to hate me too. Kirishima would be furious and fight me, Midoriya would probably lose his cool and punch me so hard my lungs explode. Not that I blame them or anything ... I deserve to be punched like that.

Is there any coming back from this? Denki, snap out of it. There's a broken man in your arms and you're thinking about yourself. Fuck, have I always been this selfish? I brought my attention back to Shinsou who was crying as he clung to my clothes and I rubbed his back trying to comfort him.

"We'll figure this out, okay? It sucks we couldn't tell them ourselves, but they're strong, right?" my voice trembled slightly and Shinsou shook his head.

"I hurt them ... I hurt them so bad. They weren't even mad," Shinsou pulled away from me to show me the messages and I could feel their hurt. Firefly blamed themselves ... saying they were sorry they weren't good enough for him. I read every single message twice and I still had trouble understanding what they talked about. The conversation was quick, and at the very end, they said, 'I hope you're happy with him. For real, Shinsou'. That ... that hurt. I felt like I've been stabbed through the chest with a jagged knife over and over again. I didn't feel any malice, not a shred of anger. All I felt was despair and hopelessness.

I put the phone down and turned to Shinsou who was shedding tears silently, staring at the floor in front of him. I gently turned his head so he could look at me and I brushed his tears away.

"We'll try talking to them tomorrow, okay? Right now ... right now they need space. Babe, come here," I opened my arms and he didn't hesitate to fall in. I stroked his indigo-colored hair and after a while, he calmed down a little.

"I know they still love you. There's a chance we haven't lost them forever," I tried to cheer him up but I don't think it worked.

"We fucked up big time, Denki. I knew we messed up but now I realize we fucked up. We should have told them ... and done so a lot sooner," Shinsou shook his head and I nodded.

"I know ... I know we should have. If I could go back in time and fix this, I would. But right now ... you're all I have left," My voice cracked at the end of my sentence and Shinsou squeezed my body. He's so comforting and warm ... I know first hand why Firefly loves him so much.

"How are we going to face them?" Shinsou asked quietly.

I shrugged, "I don't even know. We're in the same class and they live right down the hall ... I don't know what I'm going to," I felt my anxiety start to rise again and I tried to shove it down, but I couldn't. My body started to shake and my breathing became ragged. Noticing this, Shinsou pulled away and shifted my body so I was sitting on his lap.

"You can stay here until things calm down in your dorm. I ... uh ... I also don't want to be alone," Shinsou's offer was genuine and my heart ached at his soft request at the end.

I nodded, "Okay. I'll stay," I accepted his offer. I mean, it was the only sane thing

to do right now. I'm too ashamed of my actions to face anyone in class 1-A. Besides, I don't want to hear them cry again. Knowing that I'm the cause of why they're sobbing is too much.

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