Chapter 10

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I didn't move from my desk just in case I imagined the knocks but when I heard them again, I waited until someone spoke up before I moved.

"Hey, open up. Talk to me, please?" Kirishima's voice was gentle and I hesitated before I got up and let him in. I'm not surprised Kirishima was at the door. I was expecting either him or Midoriya to stop by sometime today, so I was prepared to have company. The second I opened the door, his eyes widened a little in shock but then he smiled in relief before walking in and making himself at home. Kirishima sat down on my bed and beckoned me to sit beside him.

I hesitated a moment before sitting beside him and I pulled my right knee to my chest, resting my cheek on it as I looked at Kirishima. His expression was shifting between sadness and anger as he thought of the right words to say. Judging by his reaction, I can assume he knows about what happened.

"Did he tell you?" I spoke up and he nodded.

"Yeah ... he did," he glared at the floor and I noticed that his hands were balled up into fists. He's pretty pissed ... that's a little surprising. I didn't expect him to react this way, upset sure but not pissed.

"That fucking asshole! How could he?!" Kirishima yelled and stood up as he paced across the floor, "The audacity of Kaminari to steal your boyfriend!"

"He didn't steal him ..." I spoke up quietly, "I just wasn't enough. I went wrong somewhere and didn't realize it," my vision blurred and the tears fell onto my leg.

"Don't do that ... this wasn't your fault," he stopped pacing when he noticed I was crying and quickly rushed over to my side.

I shook my head, "But it is. Why else would Shinsou leave me? I wasn't a good enough partner for him and didn't leave him a choice ..." my voice was raw as I talked while I cried.

"Kaminari did this! You did nothing wrong!" Kirishima draped an arm over my shoulders as he pulled me to his chest and I continued to sob. I heard what he said but I didn't process it. I must have done something ... this has to be some karma, but what did I do to deserve this? Why would Kaminari get with Shinsou while knowing how much I love him? Has he always liked him and I just didn't realize? How long have they been going behind my back? I'm asking myself all of these questions over and over again but I'm afraid of the answers.

"Did I do something to Denki? Did he do this as some sort of revenge?"

"What? Of course not! Listen to me, stop blaming yourself," he continued to console me as I sobbed. I hate crying in front of people, but I can't help it this time. I wish I was stronger. At this point, I wish I couldn't feel.

After a few minutes of silence, Kirishima pulled away from me and stood up. He walked over to my desk and started taking down all the pictures I had of Shinsou and Kaminari.

"These are getting burned," his voice was a bit flat as he pulled the picture off the frames and all I could do was watch. To be honest, I felt a sort of relief when the pictures came off my wall. When he finished removing the pictures, he stacked them up and placed them on my desk face down.

"Let me see your phone," he returned to my side and I handed him my phone.


"Shinsou's still your lock screen? And Kaminari is still your background?! No wonder you haven't texted us back or answered our calls," Kirishima let out a sigh as he went through my phone and deleted all the pictures I had of them. He even replaced my lock screen and background of pictures of us. At this point, I stopped crying, and I felt lighter having taken a step toward moving on.

Kirishima handed my phone back but before he did, the screen lit up showing multiple messages from Kaminari. All of them said 'I'm sorry' and some variation of those words but I quickly swiped the messages away.

"Now that that's done, we're going to have dinner," he smiled at me but I shook my head.

"I'm not hungry," I responded softly. Besides, I don't wanna be around others right now. Now that Kirishima knows, it's only a matter of time the news of what happened travels around the class. I could feel their stares now and I just know they're going to walk on eggshells around me. That's the last thing I need. 

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