Chapter 6

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After a full day of wallowing in my misery and grief, I crawled into bed and this time I managed to sleep a few hours. I still cried myself to sleep but halfway through the night, exhaustion overcame me and I passed out. I woke up to my blaring alarm but I dismissed it and went back to sleep. I wasn't in the right mental state to go to class today even though I was a little better than yesterday.

I felt better since I got some sleep but I was still tired. I haven't left my room since the day before yesterday and at this point, everyone's starting to worry about me. When school let out for the day, there were knocks on my door.

"Hey, you okay in there?" I think that was Kirishima's muffled voice coming from the other side of the door. From what I could tell, his voice was full of concern.

"You haven't left your room in a while ... what's going on?" That sounded a lot like Midoriya. They sounded so worried about me but I couldn't answer. Well, more like I didn't want to answer. I know that isolating myself is self-destructive but I don't want anyone to see me like this. I'm broken. A shell of my former self and I can't have everyone worrying about me.

"Come on, let us in so we can help ..." Kirishima knocked again but I didn't budge.

"Kiri we should come back later ...." Midoriya spoke up and after a few moments, I heard them walk away. I felt relieved when they walked away but I also felt bad. I know they're trying to help and be there for me but I can't. I can't right now.

Later that day, Denki texted me asking me we could talk. I stared at the message for a while before texting back that there was nothing to talk about. I didn't want to hear his excuses, I didn't want to hear his explanation. There's nothing he could say that would make this situation any better or fix it in any way. I didn't have the energy to argue with him or have any meaningful conversation so in the end I just told him to make Shinsou happy. It's all I could say. I obviously couldn't make him happy and there's nothing I can do about it now.

How am I supposed to get over this and move on when not only do we go to the same school, but Denki and I live in the same dorm building and are in the same class? I see him every single day ... a constant reminder of what I had and what I lost. What do I do when I see them together? Or when I just see them around? Do I just run away and ignore them for the rest of my life? I can't live like that. I can't continue this self-destructive behavior of isolating myself and blaming myself but I don't know what else to do. Before I had Denki and Shinsou to rely on but now I'm all alone. It's just me now and I feel so lost and empty. I'm not close to anyone else to be comfortable going to them for help. Yes, I'm friends with Kirishima, Midoriya, Sero, and all of them but we're not close enough to go crying to them about my problems. I don't want to burden them with this.

I sat on my bed in the quiet room and tried to think about anything else but failed miserably. My world crashed right on top of me and I'm trying to get out of the rubble but I'm trapped. I'm surrounded by darkness and there's no light in sight. Who can I trust now? Who am I supposed to rely on? Denki was my person. My number one, partner in crime, the one person I knew I could always count on no matter what. He's been there for me since the first day of classes and now it's like I don't even know him anymore. How could he? How dare he hurt me like this when the other day he said he'd electrocute Shinsou if he hurt me? That was almost two weeks ago, was he going behind my back then?

"Hey, open up! Please, can we talk?" Suddenly, I heard Denki's voice from the other side of my door. My heart almost stopped and my stomach flipped. I didn't expect to hear his voice yet and it caught me off guard.

"Kitty, we need to talk this out ..." Shinsou called out softly. Shinsou's with him too?!

"Come on, let us in ... please," Denki sounded desperate as he pleaded for me to open the door. What's he gonna do, beg for forgiveness? Repeat himself and say that it was a misunderstanding and a mistake? No ... he doesn't get to talk to me. I don't want them to see what they've done to me. I don't want them to see me so broken.

I grabbed my phone and texted them both in a group chat telling them to go away. I didn't want to talk to them and I don't owe them a conversation. I had nothing to say to them and even if I did let them in, I know I wouldn't be able to say anything. I'd instantly burst into tears and I know that Denki would too. He doesn't deserve to be upset and cry over what he did. How dare he act like a victim when he was the one who broke me.

In the end, I refused to open the door, and after a while of them knocking and begging for me to let them in, they gave up and walked away. 

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