Chapter 7

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Whenever I try to go to bed, I've been overcome with a wave of grief and I always end up crying. My bed feels a lot bigger without Shinsou in it and I miss having his arms around me. He didn't sleepover every night, but enough where I felt lonely without him. Shinsou would hold me tightly against his chest and he'd stroke my hair, combing his fingers soothingly through my locks lulling me into a peaceful sleep. I miss that ... I miss him. I miss him so much and I hate that I do. I hate that I think about him every day and I despise that I still have a love for him.

I need to get more than three hours of sleep ... especially since I have to go to class tomorrow. I can't skip forever and I'm already behind. However, I couldn't sleep. It's already two in the morning and I'm having a hard time getting comfortable enough to sleep. Ugh, this sucks. Of course, when I need to sleep, I can't. Do I say fuck it and watch a few movies until it's time to get ready for school? I already know I'm going to be exhausted, I mean more than I have been lately.

I sighed and sat up in bed and turned on the TV. I picked a few comedies to try to cheer me up or at least get me to feel anything. There's no point in forcing myself to sleep when I know it's not happening. I'll deal with the consequences of that tomorrow, but for now, I should try to laugh or at least smile.

A few movies later and I was able to smile a few times throughout. I was successfully distracted and when I noticed the sun was starting to rise, I decided to take a shower. I took my time getting ready and tried to look like a functioning person in society and not a depressed mess. I styled my hair, moisturized my face, and tried to look like myself. My eyes look ... lifeless. In the mirror, they look dull and faded, and when I smile ... there's no light in them like there used to be.

I sighed and left the bathroom to gather my books and school supplies. It was still early so I had time to go into the common room and make coffee before anyone else shows up. It felt a little weird walking the halls since I hadn't left my room in a few days but I dismissed those feelings and just tried to get on with my day.

The common area was still a bit dark but as the sun continued to rise, a gentle, orange light brightened up the room. I was able to make a strong cup of coffee and I enjoyed every sip. It warmed me up and I added some caramel to sweeten it up just a little bit. I'm hoping this will give me the necessary energy to get through the day and when the school day ends, I can pass out when I get back.

Soon, the common room was bright and my cup was empty. I sighed as I washed the cup and placed it in the dishwasher. When I turned around to grab the bag that I left on the green couch, I saw Midoriya entering the dorm building. He was sweaty and in workout clothes ... I guess he was out training? I definitely wouldn't pass it by him to do that, his determination is wild. However, I can't hide now. I'm the only one in the common room and there's nowhere for me to go.

"Oh, hey!" Midoriya was shocked to see me outside my room and his surprise quickly shifted into worry.

"...hey," I greeted him with a quiet voice and he walked to the fridge to get a cold bottle of water.

"I'm glad to see you," he smiled at me and I nodded. I didn't know how to respond to that so I chose not to.

"Are you feeling better?" Midoriya was careful with his words and I shrugged.

"Not really ..." I decided to be a little honest and he offered a sad smile.

"I'm sorry ... you can rely on us you know?"

I nodded, "Yeah ... I know," I turned away from him so he wouldn't see my teary eyes and I walked over to the couch to pick up my bag, "I'm gonna go for a walk .... I'll see you later," I waved at him before I left the dorm building and I was met with a chilly morning. It felt nice though ... the brisk, morning air seemed to fill me with some energy and I was wide awake.

It was a little too early to head to class, so I just walked around aimlessly until it was time to walk over. But I got bored just walking around so about ten minutes later, I walked into the main building and walked over to class 1-A. Of course, I was the first one there, but not for long because the reliable class rep, Iida showed up a few minutes after I did. Welp, there goes my peaceful and quiet morning.  

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