Chapter 26

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"Don't say that! That's not true," Kirishima raised his voice a bit which caused everyone in the common room to look in our direction.

"Kiri, settle down!" I whispered trying to calm him down. Seeing that all eyes were on him, he blushed and cleared his throat.

"Sorry ... but that's not true," he repeated with a much softer voice. I appreciated his sentiment, but I'm not going to pretend I'm this strong person for going through what I went through. I got cheated on and I acted as though the world ended.

I let out a self-deprecating laugh and looked down at the hot bowl of ramen in front of me, "Guys, I'm not blind you know? I'm well aware of my own strengths and weaknesses. I allowed myself to become so dependent on them that it destroyed me when they hurt me. That wouldn't have happened if I was just a little bit stronger."

"They're right, Shitty Hair. No point in sugarcoating it," Bakugou responded nonchalantly with his arms folded over his chest as he leaned back in the chair.

"Bakugou! Stop being so fucking rude!" Kirishima glared at him and looked so shocked that he's acting this way.

"He's not being rude. Bakugou is being honest. I can't handle any more lies ... so I don't care how harsh the truth is, I'll take that over a stupid lie any day," I stood up for Bakugou and Kiri let out a sad sigh.

"I'm not lying, Y/N. When I say you're strong, I mean it," Kirishima's crimson eyes bored into mine and I blushed under the intensity.

"He's right, Buttercup. I know I wouldn't be okay if my best friend stole my boyfriend," A bitter tone to Sero's voice brought my attention away from Kirishima and I watched him angrily consume ramen.

I let out a small sigh, "Well, that's all in the past and I'm' just trying to get my life back together. Also ... you could ease up on the honesty just a tad Bakugou," I smirked at Bakugou and he rolled his eyes. The atmosphere got lighter once I made a joke and we had a peaceful dinner.

Afterward, I decided to invite them over to my dorm so we could hang out a little longer. I even invited Midoriya and Todoroki so they wouldn't feel left out. Sero then invited Mina who brought the other girls. I'm surprised that most of the class was able to fit into my room, but it felt nice for my space to be filled with lively laughs and conversation instead of my muffled tears and heavy sighs.

Mina suggested we play a few games and then watch a movie. Of course, everyone agreed and we played a few card games. Bakugou got heated a few times because he was convinced that not only Kirishima was cheating, but that Midoriya was also playing unfairly. He's such a sore loser, he'd accuse anyone of cheating if they were winning. But that's just the kind of person he is.

A few riveting card games later, everyone fought over what movie to watch for about 20 minutes before choosing to pick a name out of a hat. However, before the movie was put on, everyone decided to get themselves ready for bed. I had a few minutes of peace while I put on my pj's and brushed my teeth. But then everyone came back and they even brought their own pillows and blankets. Sero and Kirishima also brought a ton of snacks.

When the movie was getting set up, I got cozy in my bed with Midoriya and Todoroki on either side of me. Bakugou was sitting at the foot of my bed with Kirishima, Sero, Mina, and the others on the floor with blankets and pillows. I have a feeling this is turning into a sleepover and to be honest, I'm not mad about it. It's been forever since someone slept over and I missed that feeling.

Halfway into the movie, I started to pass out. I wasn't the only one though. Bakugou could barely keep his eyes open, Midoriya was already asleep and Todoroki was nodding off too. It's times like these where I'm grateful I brought my queen-sized bed from my room back home. Midoriya, Torodoki, and I fit comfortably and if Bakugou wanted to lay down with us, he'd be able to fit in just fine.

Since Midoriya was already asleep, I tucked him in beside me and made sure he was covered before grabbing a spare pillow and placing it at the foot of my bed for Bakugou to use. He was too tired to fight me, so when I gently pulled him down, he complied and I covered him with a blanket. The second his head hit the pillow, he passed out and I couldn't help but smile.

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