Chapter 24

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Later that day, after spending a few hours catching up with Kirishima and Bakugou, I ended up going to Midoriya's door. I have to apologize to him the same way I apologized to the other two. I mean, he was the first one I told about all of this, and he wasted no time to comfort me.

When I made it to his door, I knocked a couple of times and he opened it after a few moments.

"Y/N! What's up?" Midoriya's smile grew as he saw me on the other side of the door and I smiled at his genuine reaction to seeing me.

"Hey! Can we ... talk for a minute?" I replied a bit awkwardly.

He nodded, "Yeah, come in," Midoriya moved out of the way and invited me in. You know, not gonna lie, his room makes me a tad bit uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong, it's adorable how much he idolizes All Might, but it feels like the pro hero's always watching me. His entire room is neatly organized with every All Might figurine, poster, stationary ... basically every single merch item that's available. I have to admit, I'm impressed by his collection, still though ... I can't help but squirm under the gazes of all All Might's eyes on us.

"I wanted to apologize," I said as I sat down on his bed while he sat in front of me at his desk, "I'm sorry for neglecting you and pushing you away when all you've done is try to cheer me up and help."

"You don't have to apologize, it's okay," Midoriya assured me with a smile but I shook my head. Even though he says I don't need to apologize, that makes me want to say it even more. Midoriya may be very chaotic at times, but he's emotional and feels so much. I know that I hurt him, no matter how hard he tries to hide it, I know I have. He's the type to do anything for his friends and the people he loves.

"But it's not though! You're so sweet to me and did everything you could to make me smile and I returned the favor by locking myself away ... I'm sorry," I raised my voice a little bit which surprised him, but he let out a laugh.

"Thank you ... I appreciate the apology, but you really don't have to. If anything, I'm sorry for being annoying," Midoriya's voice softened and I could tell he felt a bit bashful.

"You're not annoying. Not even close," I assured him as I leaned forward to give him a hug. He froze when my arms wrapped around his shoulders and I could tell he was flustered. Midoriya started to mumble and stutter in response to the sudden embrace and I found myself smiling at his adorable reaction. When I pulled away from him, his face was beet red all the way up to his ears and his eyes were wide. Aw, he's so cute.

"Listen to me, you're not annoying and you never will be annoying to me. I am so lucky to be able to call you a friend, I mean it," I gazed into his emerald eyes that were wavering and I stood up. He followed suit and I gave him a real hug this time. This time, he hugged me back, even though it was awkward. You know, even though I've been hurting for a while, I feel like Midoriya needed this hug more than I did. I'm well aware of what he's been through and he has a habit of putting others before himself. After a few moments, I started to pull away, but that's when he tightened his hold on me. Surprised, I didn't react right away, but then I relaxed and placed a hand on the back of his head. Midoriya's hair is so soft ... even though he has fluffy, curly hair, it's so light and silky.

"You okay?" I asked softly.

He nodded and took a deep breath before he pulled away from me, "Yeah ... are you?"

I chuckled, "I am now. You know you can rely on me too, right?"

"Y-yeah ... I know," Midoriya genuinely smiled and that alone was enough to cheer me up.

"Good! I'll see you later, okay?" I waved as I left his room and felt light as I walked through the halls. Today was actually a good day. It's the first real good day I've had in months. The first day where I was smiling practically all day. Wow ... I really am the luckiest person ever to have found such great friends. 

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