Chapter 28

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As expected, I didn't get more than a few hours of sleep. I kept waking up to make sure that Bakugou and Midoriya weren't having any nightmares. I remember doing that for Shinsou when he had a bad nightmare, so it was oddly comforting.

It wasn't until about 10 in the morning that everyone started to stir. Todoroki was the first one, besides me, to wake up and when he realized we were holding hands, his face flushed. He didn't try to pull his hand away though ...

"Good morning, Todoroki," I whispered.

"Good morning ..." he responded bashfully. Feeling a bit awkward, I reluctantly let go of his hand and brought up to my head where I straightened out my hair for a moment. Turning my head to the left, I glanced at Midoriya who had just started to wake up. His round emerald eyes blinking to adjust to the amount of light in the room. I could tell his vision was blurry since he squinted at his surroundings. It wasn't until he squeezed his hand that he froze for a moment. It took him a minute to register the fact that he was holding my hand and the panic that ensued made my morning. Midoriya's face turned bright red and he frantically let go of my hand.

"I-I'm sorry!" his morning voice was adorable and I smiled as I tried to calm him down.

"It's okay!" I assured him and when he relaxed I started to explain, "You were

having a nightmare and when I held your hand, the bad dream seemed to go away ... so I just didn't let go."

"O-oh ... thank you," he couldn't look me in the eyes but he seemed a little grateful for the relief from the bad dream. I flipped over and faced Midoriya who had his back against the wall.

"Do you always have nightmares? That dream looked pretty scary with the way you were sweating and breathing ..." I asked softly, careful not to wake up the others. In response to my question, Midoriya let out a shaky sigh and looked away.

"Y-yeah ... they're intense," he didn't say anything else and I didn't pry anymore.

"I'm sorry ..." I didn't know what else to say and offered a small smile.

"Do you ... have nightmares?" Midoriya asked shyly.

I shrugged, "Well, I wouldn't call them nightmares, but I definitely have more sad dreams that happy ones."

"Sad dreams?" Todoroki whispered. I flipped over to lay down on my back so I was able to talk to both of them without being rude.

"Yeah, but it's okay. They're not that bad," I shrugged it off, but they both looked at me with sad eyes.

"Mornin' guys!" Kirishima's chipper voice distracted me from the conversation for a moment. His cheery greeting was met with groans from the others.

"Morning already?" Momo yawned as she stretched.

"What time is it?" Uraraka asked as she rubbed her eyes.

"It's almost 10:45 in the morning," I answered.

"Whoa, we really slept in," Sero's sleep voice was raspy as he ran his hand through his straight hair.

"Oi, Bakugou! Wake up!" Kirishima said with a mischievous smile on his face. Afraid of Bakugou breaking something, I stopped Kirishima in his tracks.

"Hold on, I'll wake him up before you do something that'll make him blow up my room."

"Fair enough," Kirishima chuckled as he gave up on his attempt to wake up the angry firework, "Alright, I'm gonna go get ready for breakfast!"

"Yeah, me too! I'll meet you guys in the common room!" Mina stood up and soon it was just me and Bakugou in the room. I got out of bed and went to go take a shower. I'm sure he didn't sleep enough since he had that nightmare, so I figured I'd let him sleep some more. By the time I got out of the shower, Bakugou was sprawled out on my bed.

Smiling, I rolled my eyes and sat on the edge of the bed as I nudged him.

"Bakugou? Hey, wake up," I continued to nudge his shoulder and he groaned as he started to wake up.

"Ugh, leave me alone ... fucking dumbass," Bakugou flipped over to his side away from me and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, everyone already left to get ready for breakfast ... well brunch now," I squeezed his shoulder and he complained.

"Get out of my room!" He growled as he glared at me from over his shoulder.

"Uh ... Bakugou? You're in my room ...." That seemed to have gotten his attention since his eyes opened and he sat up looking around as if he was lost.

"Oh ... right. My bad," he replied after he regained his bearings.

I chuckled at his confused expression, "It's okay ... did you sleep well?" I asked as I got up and straightened up the room a little bit.

"I guess so," he swung his legs over the side of the bed and began to stretch.

"That's good. Everyone's meeting in the common room for brunch so ... I'll see you in a bit," I waved as I left Bakugou in my room. He's such a weirdo, but he's got his charming moments. 

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