Chapter 3

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A few days have passed since I tutored Kaminari and I was pleased to find out he passed. Just barely though ... but he still passed. I'll still count that as a victory. However, as I was walking to the dorms, I received a text from an unknown number. Curious, I opened it and noticed it was a picture. When I saw it, my entire body froze. On my screen was a picture of Denki, kissing Shinsou. They were still in their school uniforms so it had to have been taken recently ... but I don't know if it's real. I mean it looks real but it can easily have been photoshopped. I couldn't help but notice how happy Shinsou looked in the picture. Not to mention that Denki had his arms wrapped around him like they were the happiest couple in the world. 

The more I looked at it, the more questions emerged. Who took this picture? Why was this even taken? Who sent this to me and how did they get my phone number? Is this picture even real? I mean, I don't even think they hang out ... do they? I'm usually always with Shinsou ... and Denki is usually chasing Bakugou around like a lost puppy when he's not begging me to play video games with him. But ... what if they have been spending time with each other? If that were the case, why hasn't either of them said anything? It's not suspicious for my best friend to want to get to know my boyfriend, is it? 

"Y/N! You okay, there? You've been standing here for a while," Kirishima's voice startled me and I jumped, almost dropping my phone. I quickly locked the screen before he saw the picture and put the phone in my pocket.

"O-oh yeah! I'm fine," I assured him and we walked to our dorm. By being around Kaminari a lot, I've also been hanging out with Kirishima and his group of friends. He's a really nice guy but is always causing some sort of trouble with Denki. 

"You sure?" Kirishima peered into my face and I smiled. His ruby eyes were clear and a little bit intimidating. I was afraid he'd see right through me. 

"Yeah, I've just been a little stressed recently," I told a small lie but it seemed to satisfy him and no more questions were asked. That's a relief, I was nervous he'd try to pry the truth out of me. I guess he's good at social cues and figured this wasn't something I wanted to talk about out loud just yet. We walked to the dorms in silence but I notice he'd glance at me every now and then which made me a little anxious. 

When we walked in, I practically ran to my room and the second I arrived, I locked the door and sat down at my desk. I stared at that picture trying to make sense of it but I couldn't. I trust Shinsou ... and I also trust Denki. They wouldn't do this to me. I should just forget about it. Whoever sent it is probably just trying to get a rise out of me and ruin my relationship. Shinsou loves me and I love him. Denki also cares about me. He's my best friend, he would never betray me like this.

I sighed and threw my phone on my desk as I changed out of uniform and into casual clothes. I can't get my mind off that picture though ... doubt is starting to grow in my mind and once it settles I'll be questioning everything. I mean I already am starting to question everything.

Damnit, should I just bring it up? Should I ask him about it? But if I do that, what if he gets angry at me and storms off? What if he thinks I'm jealous and annoying? I don't know how he'd react so maybe I shouldn't mention it. What if I just forget I even saw it? Should I delete it?

A million questions and thoughts ran around in my brain and to calm the voices, I put on my headphones. I started to blast my music and I sat on my bed with the blanket over my body. I focused on the music instead of my thoughts and they started to go away. Rather I was ignoring them and choosing not to listen. Holding my knees to my chest, I made myself small. I closed my eyes and found a happy place where the intrusive thoughts won't reach.

I don't know how much time had passed but I was taken out of my happy place when the blanket was pulled off my body. Startled, I looked up and saw Shinsou looking at me with some concern in his eyes.

"Hey, Kitty ... are you okay?" he sat in front of me as he pulled my headphones off.

"Um, yeah, I'm fine," I smiled but he knew it was fake. Without wasting any time, he picked me up and sat me down on his lap, holding me close.

"What's wrong?" his deep voice was gentle in my ear and I suddenly didn't feel so insecure.

I shrugged, "I'm just a little stressed ..." I chose not to bring it up and he continued to comfort me.

"Want to talk about it?" Shinsou suggested as he kissed my head.

"Do you love me?" I asked quietly. Shinsou tensed up for a brief moment before chuckling.

"What kind of question is that? Of course, I love you. You're my one and only Kitty," he reassured me as he pulled me away to kiss me lovingly. I felt a little better when he said that, but that little seed of doubt that was in the back of my head was growing.

"Are you sure? Am I really good enough for you?" I couldn't help but ask for some sort of validation to ease my nerves and that's when he started to feel suspicious.

"Kitty, what's this about?" his lavender eyes peered into mine and tried to find the source of my insecurities but came up empty. I looked away and shrugged at his question.

"I don't know ... it's just sometimes I feel like I'm not good enough for you," I pouted and I brought back into his embrace.

"You're more than good enough for me. You're perfect," Shinsou started to stroke my hair and I took what he said to heart. He loves me ... he really loves me and that picture is fake. It has to be. Still though ... I'll wait for him to say anything if there is something going on.

"Okay ... I love you, Toshi," I wrapped my arms around him and he held me tighter. I need to get out of my head; clearly, everything is fine.   

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