Chapter 20

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A few minutes later, I heard a soft knock on my door and I tried to calm down a little bit before I opened the door, but it was a failed effort. In fact, the second I saw him, I broke even more. I don't know why, but the sobs I was holding back, just forced their way out of me and I couldn't hold back anymore.

The second Todoroki saw me, his small smile fell and I fell into his arms.

"Months! He played me for months!" I sobbed into his chest. I grabbed his shirt tightly and he took a couple of steps back in response to my sudden embrace.

"H-hey ... you're okay ..." his awkward attempt at comforting was met with head pats. We were in the middle of the hallway at this point and he was trying to quiet my sobs. What I didn't know was that Kaminari's door was cracked open a bit and he was able to hear me loud and clear.

Todoroki picked me up in a swift movement and brought me inside the room. When he sat me down on the bed, I let go of his shirt and he closed the door before returning to my side. His shirt was wrinkled from where I grabbed it and there were wet spots from my tears on his chest.

"...sorry ... I didn't mean to grab you like that," I said, my voice raw, as I continued to cry.

"Don't worry about it. What happened?" Todoroki placed a warm hand on the middle of my back and I showed him the texts instead of talking about it. I leaned on his shoulder as he scrolled through the messages and I felt his hand get hotter the more he read.

"Todoroki?" When I called out to him, he snapped out of the daze he was in and cooled down. He put my phone down and shook his head.

"...Did I hurt you?" he asked apologetically.

I shook my head and wiped away the tears with my sleeve, "No, I'm okay."

"Do you want to talk about it? Or do you want to get distracted for a while?"

I let out a sigh as I shrugged half-heartedly, "I ... both? I just can't believe how blind I was. Am I really that dumb to not notice?" letting out a self-deprecating laugh, I shook my head and sniffled. Todoroki looked around the room and his eyes landed on a tissue box that was on my desk. He quickly grabbed it before returning to my side and handed me a tissue.

"You're not dumb. Don't blame yourself," His calm voice was tinged with anger and frustration.

"He said he still loves me, but how could he love me when he broke me? How could he love me and fall in love with my best friend?" I shook my head and Todoroki stayed quiet.

"Shinsou's a piece of shit," he said clearly. He said it with his whole chest and I knew he meant it. I was too surprised to hear him curse to actually take in what he said.

"W-what?" I asked in a soft whisper.

"Shinsou. Is. A. Piece. Of. Shit," he repeated with no hesitation, and what made it comical, was the fact that he said it with a straight face. His expression did not change the entire sentence and it caught me so off guard, my only response was to laugh.

"Yeah ... he is," I agreed with him as I laughed through the tears and when he saw me smile, he relaxed a little.

"Want to watch a movie?" he suggested when I settled down.

I nodded, "Yeah, sure."

Todoroki chose a movie and as promised, distracted me from the painful reality I was facing. I also learned that Todoroki prefers documentaries over other genres and loves cute animal documentaries. I think it's sweet how he's so interested in animals and he seems to find comfort in them too. I couldn't help but smile when I glanced at him and saw that his eyes were fixated on the TV. His eyes were following the adorable lemurs that were swinging from tree to tree in search of fruit and to be honest, I think he forgot I was even here. Even so ... I felt calmer with him here. What is it about him that calms me down? I mean, I felt calm with Shinsou but this ... this feeling is different. I can't quite explain it, but the calmness I feel with Todoroki has a warmer feeling. I'm not just saying that because his left sight is right up against me. I'll figure it out eventually ... for now, I'll just relish in the calmness I feel with him right beside me. 

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