Chapter 29

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I don't remember the last time I had this much fun with everyone ... I guess the last time would have been at the arcade. Everyone was laughing and I felt ... really happy. I feel closer to them now and I know that my bond strengthened with Bakugou, Kiri, Midoriya, and Todoroki. Those guys are my real friends. I don't know if I could call them my best friends, that title puts a bitter taste in my mouth.

After a lively brunch, I left the common and went to my room to actually clean it. I made my bed, straightened out the plush rug, and vacuumed. I folded the extra blankets and went to put them away when I noticed a bundle of hoodies pressed against the back of the closet. Curious, I pulled them out and remembered that Shinsou gave me a few of his sweaters so that I could feel closer to him when I wasn't able to be with him. He gave me his favorite black hoodie that had an embroidered cat silhouette on the left-hand side toward the top. I loved this hoodie. It was so soft and cozy ... I remember I gave it back to him a few times so he could wear it and make it smell like him again. And it still does. It's been a few months and the hoodie still smells like him. Fuck ... he really does smell good.

I stood in front of my closet holding this piece of clothing and just staring at it for who knows how long. I know I have to give these back to him, but when? Do I just fold them and place them in front of Kaminari's door? Or do I walk the familiar path to Shinsou's dorm and set them in front of his door? For now, I'll just wash them and put them back into the closet. Out of sight ... out of mind for now.

When my room was all clean, I felt a lot better. I opened a window and let in the fresh air to help bring some freshness into my room. Besides, It's a pretty nice day outside, so might as well, right? Now ... what do I do for the rest of the day? I don't have any work to do since I did it during the school day, so I didn't have to worry about studying or homework.

Well ... I could catch up on a few of the shows I'm watching ... or I could take a nap. Yeah ... a nap sounds really good actually. Then I could do some laundry and do something more productive.

As I got ready to take a nap, my door opened, and Bakugou walked in as if he owned the place. Good thing I had decent clothes on, I'd be mortified if he walked in while I was changing or something.

"Uh, hey Bakugou. What's up?" I greeted him awkwardly and I continued to climb into bed.

"Listen, I'm only going to say this once. SO YOU BETTER FUCKING PAY ATTENTION!" he plopped down on the chair at my desk and folded his arms over his chest.

"Okay ...?"

Bakugou sighed a bit dramatically and finally met my gaze, "... thanks."

Uh ... that's it? All that drama just for a 'thanks'? Also ... thanks for what? It's very unlike him to acknowledge someone's kindness, let alone actually verbally appreciate it.

"Um ... you're welcome," I replied a bit in shock.

"Also ... sorry .... For pushing you away last night," his voice was a lot softer and I was silent for a moment.

"Don't worry about it ... it's okay," I assured him, but he still had a look of dissatisfaction on his face, "I mean it. It's okay."

I smiled at him and he looked away again. I'm amazed that Bakugou actually admitted that he was sorry. Not once, but twice now! Just that little word alone is enough for me. When he says sorry, it's special since he never, ever says it.

"If you EVER tell anyone I was soft with you, I'll blow you up into a million fucking pieces!" Bakugou threatened and I let out a laugh. There he is. There's the Bakugou we all know and love.

"I promise," I brushed off his threat and when he was a little calmer, he stood up and walked off leaving me alone in my room once again.

Laying down, I couldn't help but feel cold. Even though I was covered by soft, fleece blankets, I felt a slight chill. I turned my head to either side of me and I thought back to how safe I felt having someone sleep beside me. Fuck, I was just getting used to sleeping alone, and now that I had a small taste of what it felt like to have another body beside me ... it's like I'm starting from square one. I know that it was two of my friends but I still felt reassured having them there.

Alright, I need to get some sleep in. My mind needs to stop working and give me a moment just to be content with myself. Why am I so dependent on others? Why can't I just be happy by myself? Alone? I don't need someone ... So why do I feel like I need them?

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