Chapter 27

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By the time the movie was over, I was the only one left awake. Careful not to disturb anyone, I slipped out of bed and turned off the TV before checking that everyone is covered with a blanket. It's so cute how Kirishima is snoring softly, sprawled out on the floor, his arm draped over Sero's stomach, who's laying down on the plush rug that decorated the floor. Mina and Urarka were snuggling with Momo and Jirou ... I have to admit, they're all so cute.

I crawled back to my spot in between Midoriya and Todoroki. However, before I got too comfortable, I felt Bakugou twitch at the end of the bed. Hm? Is he okay? It was dark in the room, so I couldn't see him move, but I felt him start to restlessly twist and turn.

"Away .... Get away ..." Bakugou mumbled in his sleep and that's when it registered that he was having a nightmare. It looks like a pretty bad one with how he's moving around ... should I wake him up?

"Bakugou ...?" I called out his name softly and I gently nudged his arm. He didn't react to my touch though. I tried again but nudged a little harder and that's when bolted up and hyperventilated.

"Hey, hey! You're okay!" I rushed over to his side and tried to calm him down.

"W-what?" Bakugou's voice was full of panic and I reached for my phone where the screen lit up and covered us in a soft glow.

"You're safe, you're okay ..." I continued to reassure him as I rubbed his arm, and the second he remembered that he was in my room, he relaxed a little. He was still breathing heavily and he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Wanna talk about it?" I suggested quietly.

"Fuck off ..." Bakugou growled as he turned away from me and ripped his arm away from my hand. I was a bit hurt by his reaction, but I didn't think too much of it since Bakugou isn't one for 'feelings'.

"Okay," I didn't fight it and went back to my spot. I pulled the covers over me and made sure that both Todoroki and Midoriya were covered before I laid down.

"....sorry," Bakugou's voice was a mere whisper but I was able to hear his attempt at an apology. He even scooted closer to us as he tried to go back to sleep.

"Me too," I whispered back as I settled in. I know I really don't have a reason to apologize, but I am aware of his boundaries and I think I crossed one when I asked if he wanted to talk about it. Not just that, but when I tried to comfort him, I think I also crossed a line.

I curled myself up into a ball, fully aware of the bodies on either side of me. The familiar warmth of another body in the bed brought back a nostalgic feeling that was both comforting, yet depressing. My chest tightened and I felt a lump form in my throat. Fuck, why now? Why am I getting emotional now? Just get over it already. I pushed away those depressing thoughts and swallowed the negative emotions. Taking a deep breath, I regained my composure. Closing my eyes, I focused on the happy memories that were created a few hours ago and I couldn't help but smile.

I woke up a few hours later to the feeling of the bed shifting. Hm, is Shinsou having a nightmare again? The thought crossed my mind and my eyes opened wide. Why did I think that? I scolded myself for thinking about Shinsou, but the bed continued to move, bringing my attention to the source. It wasn't coming from Bakugou, it was coming to the right side of the bed. The side that's against the wall. I had my back facing that side of the bed and when I flipped over, I noticed that Midoriya was having a nightmare. He was panting, his head moving frantically from side to side ...

"... Midoriya? Hey .... You're okay," I whispered as I held his hand. Unlike Bakugou, the second I touched Midoriya, he relaxed. His breathing slowed down and I was relieved to know his nightmare was going away without me having to wake him up. Poor guys ... they've been through so much, I can only imagine how terrifying their nightmares are. No wonder why Bakugou goes to sleep so early, he doesn't get any proper rest having nightmares like that. And Midoriya ... he pushes himself so hard probably to overcome his fears. He fights those battles alone, but this time he had me to comfort him and now hopefully he'll get a full night's rest.

Afraid to let go of his hand, I flipped over to my back so I could still comfort him while I slept. I'm surprised Todoroki doesn't have nightmares with everything he's had to go through ... I mean maybe he does but he doesn't show it. Just in case, I held his hand too and was surprised by how warm it was. You know, I have a feeling I'm not going to get much sleep tonight ... 

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