Chapter 2

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 The next day, I had plans with Kaminari to help him study for a quiz. He's so bad at school I often question how he was able to get into UA. Like I know his quirk is really powerful and flashy but there was an entire written portion ... with the grades that he has, how in the fuck was he able to pass?!

I grabbed my study materials from my room and walked to his where he was lounging on his bed playing on his phone.

"Alright, ready to study?" I took his phone away and he pouted as soon as the phone left his grasp.

"Wha-! I almost beat that level!" He complained as he looked at me with defeat in his eyes.

I laughed, "You'll get this back when you can answer all of these questions correctly," I waved a study guide in his face and he groaned.

"That'll take a million years!" Kaminari dragged himself off the bed and sat on the floor beside me.

"Oh shush, I'll help you," I playfully tousled his hair as he got his supplies from his desk. When he was ready, we got to work. The quiz was on math and that was the subject he had the most trouble with. He has a hard time focusing and learning to apply the theories and concepts to examples so I tried explaining the simplest way I knew how. I even rewrote the notes to make it easier to understand.

"Wait, where did that number come from?" Kaminari asked in utter confusion. He groaned and leaned back resting his head on his bed.

"From here," I brought his attention back to me and retraced my steps. Tutoring Kaminari takes a lot of patience and understanding. He's a special boy that needs lots of attention.

"Ugh, can I take a break? We've been studying forever!" Kaminari complained and I rolled my eyes.

"We've been studying for 20 minutes! We're almost done with this question. Once you solve it, we can take a small breath," I suggested and he nodded.

"Fine," He reluctantly went back to work and as promised, when he finished the problem, we took a break.

"Soooo someone's been in a really good mood recently," Kaminari smirked as he peered at my face and I blushed.

"Don't tease me!" I poked his cheek and he chuckled as he leaned in closer to me.

"Come one, I gotta! You look like you're floating every day!" he continued to tease me and I covered my face with my hands.

"I can't help it! I really love him," my voice was muffled since my hands were covering my mouth.

"Ack! You're so cute!" Kaminari shook my shoulders playfully and I uncovered my face to put my hands on his arms.

"As your bestest friend, I have to say this. If he ever hurts you, I'll electrocute him!" Kaminari warned and I laughed as I nodded. Although his threat didn't feel too threatening because of his goofy smile. Still, it's so sweet the way he cares about me.

"He won't! Shinsou's a really good guy," I smiled sweetly and he nodded.

"Still though! Just saying. Gotta protect my bestie!" Kaminari looked proud of himself and I rolled my eyes.

"Come on bestie, let's get back to studying. If you fail this quiz, I'm gonna take your switch and hide it until you get your grades up," I threatened him and he got nervous.

"What?! You can't do that!"

"I will if you fail this quiz, so get back to work," I smirked as we got back to business. Although he complained every second he could, he took detailed notes and managed to work out a few problems correctly by himself. Turns out, if you threaten him with taking away his video games, he gets serious. I swear he can act like such a child sometimes but that's what makes him so adorable to me. He's a pretty simple guy and really easy to get along with. To be honest, I think he was the first friend I made here and we've been close ever since.

"It took a few hours but you did it. Here's your phone back," I returned his phone and he looked so proud of himself.

"Thanks, Firefly! This stuff makes sense now," he gave my head a few pats as he put his notebook and papers away.

"Good! Just for good measure, review all the notes before the quiz," I suggested as I gathered all of my stuff.

"Wait, you're leaving so soon?!" Kaminari complained as I stood up.

"Yeah, it's late and I have to shower," I checked my phone and he groaned.

"Come on, stay for one round of video games!" he waved two controllers and I sighed. I honestly can't say no to him.

"Fine! Only one round and then I have to go," I gave in and sat next to him as he happily set the game up. However, the one-round turned into five and before I knew it, it was past midnight.

"Now I really have to go," I handed him the controller and he pouted.

"Come on, we're tied!! You can't go yet!" Kaminari grabbed my arm and pulled me back down to the floor when I tried to get up.

"Kami, it's past midnight!! We need to get some sleep. Especially you! I can't have you falling asleep in class and then you begging me for the notes later," I laughed and he let me go.

"Fine. You're no fun," he turned the game off and I rolled my eyes. Sometimes he can act like such a child, but that's one of his most endearing qualities. He has a sort of innocence that I feel like I should protect.

"Yeah, yeah. Now go to sleep!" I gave his head a few pats before I left his room. 

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