Chapter 37

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A few days went by and I'm so happy to see Kaminari smiling again. From the looks of it, Kirishima has accepted him wholeheartedly. Apparently, they had a pretty long heart to heart the night I brought him over to their lunch table. I'm honestly grateful for how kind Kirishima is. I'm really lucky to be able to call him a good friend.

The atmosphere in the dorm has lightened significantly and I've been able to breathe a lot easier. I'm able to hang out in the common room without feeling like shit when I see Shinsou and Kaminari, which is a huge improvement. Mostly because after my talk with Kaminari, they haven't been together out in the open so much.

I've been keeping my distance from Kaminari, but that doesn't mean I'm not watching to make sure he's doing okay. The constant text messages have stopped and now the only texts I get are from Todoroki, Midoriya, and Kirishima. I asked for space and that's what I got. I haven't been this happy in a very long time ... I almost forgot what it felt like.

I haven't felt alone either ... Todoroki comes over at least once a day to study with me every day at around 7 PM, Todoroki knocks on my door and we study for hours. Even though we study in silence, just having him in the room with me is more than enough. Today was no different. I've been leaving the door slightly open so that he just walks in and takes his place on the bed beside me.

At 7 PM on the door, Todoroki walked in and closed the door.

"I brought snacks," he smiled warmly, holding up a bag of our favorite snacks.

"Wow, thanks!" I grinned as I moved some of my papers to make enough room for him. Making himself comfortable on top of the plush blanket, Todoroki opened one of his textbooks. An hour passed by and Todoroki let out a sigh. I glanced up at him and he ran a hand through his hair, a look of frustration warping his reserved features.

"Wanna take a break?" I suggested.

"..Please," he shut his textbook and leaned back against the wall. I chuckled as I closed my notes too and sat beside him, my back pressed against the cold, white wall.

"You haven't cried in a while," Todoroki pointed out. I turned my head to look at him and I chuckled.

"You're right. You're doing pretty good on your promise," I nudged his shoulder playfully and he let out a small laugh.

"Mhm," he agreed. I rolled my eyes knowing that his ego just got a little bit bigger. I mean, he's not nearly as arrogant as he used to be, but still.

"Are you doing okay?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

"Currently, I can't complain. What about you?"

I nodded, "I am," I met his gentle gaze and smiled, "Do you want to get back to studying, or do you wanna watch a movie instead?" I raised an eyebrow as I made the suggestion and he debated the options.

"We don't have any quizzes or exams soon ... homework is finished ..." he mumbled as he picked up his notebooks, "If it's okay with you, I'd rather watch a movie."

"Of course it's okay with me, silly. I'm the one who suggested it," I poked his cheek lightly and he chuckled lightly. We put our school stuff away and got comfortable on the bed under the blankets. However, as I was about to press play on the movie, my phone lit up with a text notification.

'Hey ... can we talk?' it was from Shinsou and I let out a heavy sigh.

"Is everything alright?" Todoroki asked.

I shrugged, "Yeah, Shinsou just texted me."

"Oh ..."

"He asked if we could talk ..."

"Would you like me to leave?" Todoroki asked as he sat up. I quickly put a hand on his leg and he stopped moving.

"No ... please don't go. Shinsou and I can talk tomorrow," I frantically tried to keep him from leaving and after hearing my plea, Todoroki settled back down, this time a little bit closer to me.

"Okay, I'll stay," he assured me with a slight nod.

"Thank you," I relaxed and went back to my phone.

'Um, yeah I guess. We can talk tomorrow, I'm with Todoroki right now.'

'Oh okay, sure ... Are you two ... dating?' reading the text caused my heart to race for a moment and I glanced at Todoroki who was scrolling on his phone. Dating ... me? Todoroki? The thought ignited two conflicted feelings inside me. Fear is one of them.

'No, we're not.' I typed back quickly.

"Oh ... do you like him? I always see you with him.' Why does he have such an interest in my love life?

'I don't know. Even if I did like him enough to date him, I wouldn't.'

'How come? If you like him you should be with him ....' This motherfucker. Is he serious?

'Are you for real? Did you forget what happened last time I was in a relationship?'

'N-no, I could never forget ... I-'

'I am so scared to open myself back up, but you wouldn't know anything about that, huh?' I glared at the screen and typed angrily.

'You're right. I'm so sorry.' I rolled my eyes and sighed.

'Whatever, just come over tomorrow at 6, okay?'

'Yeah, sure I'll see you then.' As soon as he agreed, I tossed my phone to the side and that grabbed Todoroki's attention.

"Y/N?" his soft voice brought my attention back and his pretty face was twisted with worry.

"I'm okay. He's coming over tomorrow so we can have our 'heart to heart'," I raked my fingers through my hair and pressed play on the movie.

"If he hurts you again, I'll freeze him," Todoroki threatened Shinsou and I let out a laugh.

"I won't stop you," I joked. I don't think he's aware of it himself, but there's this quality he has that's calming. No matter what the situation is, if he's by my side, I know that I'll be okay. 

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