Chapter 14: Kaminari's POV

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I wonder if Firefly is doing okay? They've been acting a bit weird for a week now. They haven't been acting like themself. Usually, they're bubbly and always smiling but I don't think I've seen them smile that much. They've been distant and I don't understand why. Unless ... unless they know about what Shinsou and I did. H-how would they know? Nobody saw ... nobody was there when it happened, and it only happened once for a split second. There's no way they know. But what if ... what if someone did see us kiss?

Oh shit, what if someone saw and told them? Oh shit, what do I do? Do I tell Shinsou? Do I confess to Firefly?! Oh man ... oh shit ... oh man ... they're gonna hate me. They probably already hate me if they know. I'm fucked, I'm screwed .... I'm a homewrecker! I ruined a perfect relationship ... but I love him. I love Shinsou so much I don't know what to do. I've loved him for a couple of months. If they split up ... that means I can be with Shinsou. But that also means I'll lose Firefly. I love them ... they're my best friend. They've been there for me since day one and I'm about to lose them forever.

Don't fuck up even more and jump the gun, Kaminari. Think for once in your life! Yeah, I messed up big time. I don't know if I can come back from this. I regret it, but I also don't. Kissing Shinsou felt so right, I didn't want to stop. I knew he felt the same since he kissed me back and almost couldn't stop. He loves me, but he also loves them. The look of guilt that he had in his eyes when he broke the kiss with me was intense. I felt that same guilt, especially when Firefly came over and gushed about how much they loved Shinsou.

They were practically glowing, their cheeks blushing, eyes sparkling ... they looked beautiful. I don't think they've ever been happier. Remembering how happy they were brought tears to my eyes. If they find out what I did, it'll destroy them. I'm supposed to be there for them, protect them not break them and stab them in the back. God damnit Kaminari, what have you done?!

I paced back and forth in my room arguing with myself about my past actions. It was like there were an angel and a devil on my shoulders, both justifying what I did and guilting me. One half of me is saying how it wasn't just me, it was also Shinsou who messed up so it's not all on me. The kiss felt absolutely perfect and neither of us wanted to pull away. But the more reasonable half of me ... the half that's causing my anxiety to spike and my nausea to get worse ... is focused on Firefly. A thousand scenarios are playing in my head acting out every single possible outcome. In every single scenario, they're crying. It doesn't matter if they're disappointed, pissed, furious, depressed, shocked ... they're crying in every single scenario.

Okay, calm down. Chill out dude, if they know, they'll bring it up. They're not the type to take this kind of thing lying down. For someone who's not very social, they're really good at detecting any sort of bullshit and lies. So, the fact that Firefly hasn't said anything could mean they don't know and they're distant because they're stressed. I mean, they've been with Shinsou like usual so I should just relax. Even though I stopped pacing, I still felt sick to my stomach. This feeling sucks. I've never felt this bad before ... this guilty. What I should be thinking about is how to make it right. Is there even a way to do that? I don't have a time quirk so I can't go back in time and undo the kiss or make it so that we don't fall in love. Fuck ... shit ... here I am working hard to be a hero when I made a mistake big enough to take away someone's happiness. Not just anyone, but my best friend.

Maybe I should talk to Shinsou about it. I wonder how he's feeling about all of this? Is he feeling the same way I am, or has he already forgotten? I mean, I doubt that he's forgotten but still.

Sighing, I reached for my phone that was on my bed and texted Shinsou. I asked him how Firefly was doing and if he noticed anything strange. He got back to me almost right away and he replied saying that he thinks they suspect something. Firefly kept asking if he loved them and that if they're good enough for him. Oh no .... Oh shit, they know. They definitely know. Panic started to set in and my hands were shaking. What do we do? I texted Shinsou asking just that and he replied saying he didn't know. He's just as lost as I was. I asked him how he was doing and as suspected, he was nervous, anxious, guilt-stricken, and lost. At least I know that we're feeling the same emotions.

We texted for a while after I initiated the conversation and we tried to think of possible solutions. He suggested that we just confess to them. Both of us begging for forgiveness but would that even work? Would they even listen to our apology? I knew that confessing was something that we had to do, but how do we say it in a way that won't completely destroy them? We can't just blurt out and say 'Shinsou and I are in love and we cheated on you'. That sounds so heartless and brutal. I mean, not like what we did wasn't, but there has to be a nicer way to say it, right? Either way, it's going to break their heart big time.

I collapsed on my bed and tossed my phone aside. Stay positive, my guy. Don't spiral yet, and don't act suspicious. Shinsou and I will figure out a solution soon. 

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