Chapter 1

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Years later, both Henry and Eira were grown-ups and had decided to continue their adventure together for a while longer, they both enjoyed each other's company. 

Henry and Eira drove down a road and Eira's eyes widen, "Henry!" She shouted when they saw a woman in a carriage approaching them from the opposite direction. Henry swerves the bike and missed her, the woman went off the road and fell out of her carriage onto a patch of flowers.

 Henry swerves the bike and missed her, the woman went off the road and fell out of her carriage onto a patch of flowers

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Henry and Eira rushed over to the unconscious woman, Henry noticed the glass slippers.

"Do you know who this is?" Eira asked him.

"Cinderella?" Henry said.

End of Flashback

Seattle - Present Day

It's nighttime as Henry returned to his shared apartment with his old college mate, he dropped his keys on the side table as he walked to his desk. 

His flatmate walked towards him with a cup of cocoa, "Your usual cocoa, Henry," She said.

Henry took it from her, "Thanks Winter," He said and sat at his desk, he looked at his laptop, at a document where he had started a story

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Henry took it from her, "Thanks Winter," He said and sat at his desk, he looked at his laptop, at a document where he had started a story.

Winter sat on their couch and looked at him, "Anything?" Winter asked him.

"Nope, nothing," Henry turned the chair to her then there was a knock at the door, "I'll get it," Henry said and walked to the door, he opened it and saw a young girl, "Uh, hello?" Henry said.

"Hi. Are you Henry Mills?" The girl asked.

"Yeah, who are you?" Henry asked.

"My name's Lucy, I'm your daughter," Lucy said.

Henry looked at Winter then let Lucy into their apartment, "Is this some kind of a joke? Kid, I don't have a daughter," Henry said and Winter looked up from her laptop.

"Oh, that's just the curse. It changed all your memories," Lucy looked at Winter, "Hi!" Lucy said.

Winter waved at her confused, "A curse... Err... Henry," Winter smiled at him.

Captain and Eira [OUAT || Wish Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now