Chapter 22

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Winter was laid in the bath, she was reading Henry's book when her cellphone rang. She reached over and answered it.

"Hey Winter," Sabine said.

"Hey, Sabine, what's up?" Winter asked.

"I hmm... Just wanted to let you know, not to bother coming tonight," Sabine said.

"What do you mean? What's happened?" Winter asked.

"I sent off my food permit too late and it hasn't arrived in time and I've shut down. You were right, I should've made sure I had everything before I opened for business," Sabine said.

"Hey, hey, it'll be okay. It won't be forever, I promise," Winter said.

"How do you know that?!" Sabine exhaled sharply, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap," Sabine said.

"No, it's okay... Why don't I come over soon and help you out, whatever it is... Whether it's helping hit someone or pack up or just go for a drink... What do you say?" Winter asked.

"I'd say... Why have you just come into my life now?" Sabine chuckled, "Okay, I'll see you in a few," Sabine said.

 Why have you just come into my life now?" Sabine chuckled, "Okay, I'll see you in a few," Sabine said

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Later, Winter walked into the food festival and made her way to Sabine's truck.

"So, which are doing, hitting, packing up or drinking?" Winter asked.

Sabine looked at her and smiled a little, "I need to talk to him," Sabine said as she pointed to a truck and Winter looked over.

"Flamin' Cajun?" Winter said.

"Yeah, the guy who owns it is called Drew, we went to school together and he's rather controlling and always gets what he wants," Sabine said.

"Alright," Winter looked at her, "What do you want me to do?" She asked.

"Anything you want," Sabine said and walked over to the truck, Winter watched before she followed her.

"Oh, come to see what all the fuss is about? I've barely had a moment to breathe, it's so busy?" Drew saw Winter, "Hey, I'm Drew," He said.

"Winter," Winter said.

"Well, you wouldn't be if you hadn't called the cops about my safety permit so they'd shut me down," Sabine said.

"What? That wasn't me," Drew said.

"I don't have a long list of enemies, Drew. Who else cares enough about my truck to do this?" Sabine asked him.

"Just give me a second," Drew said as she removed his apron, Sabine scoffed and started walking away with Winter then Drew went after them, "Hey, S-Sabine, I think I might know," Drew said.

"Oh, so it was you?" Winter said as he stood in front of them, stopping them from walking anymore.

"No, but I have this silent parent Mr Samdi, it was his idea for the truck and the money. He said he could guarantee my success," Drew said.

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