Chapter 8

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Eira opened the door with the knife raised and saw a girl with blonde straight hair.

"If this how you welcome guests, it's not very nice," The girl said with a big smile.

Eira looked at the knife then lowered it, "For someone who had their life threatened, you seem very chipper," Eira said

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Eira looked at the knife then lowered it, "For someone who had their life threatened, you seem very chipper," Eira said.

"You threatened my life? Why would you terrible thing like that? We haven't been introduced... I'm Alice," Alice said with a big smile.

"Eira Blanc..." Eira said.

"Snow White," Alice said.

"Eira Blanc," Eira said.

"I'm gonna call you Snow White as that's what your name means," Alice walked in and Eira watched her. Alice looked at the seven small chairs, "Are you a mother of seven? That's a lot of children, no wonder you threaten everyone to protect your children... My mother abandoned me and my father could never come back to me," Alice told her.

"I...I'm sorry about that and, uh, I'm not a mother for seven... They're dwarfs," Eira said.

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs," Alice looked at her, "Has a nice ring to it's doesn't it?" Alice asked her with a big smile.

"It's Eira Blanc..." Eira said worn out and dropped the knife on the table, "Why are you here, Alice?" She asked.

"Oh right, I need a place to stay... My home is destroyed," Alice said.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that... I'm sorry to tell you this, but this isn't my home the dwarfs are only helping me until I find my friend," Eira said.

"I can help!" Alice bounced over to her, "I'm going on an adventure and I can see if I can find you something!" Alice said.

The two girls heard whistling and looked at the door, the dwarfs walked in one after another and stopped seeing Alice.

"Hi! I'm Alice!" Alice introduced herself.

"Princess Snow, are you harmed?" Doc asked.

"No, she threatened me not the other way around," Alice said.

"You gentlemen are home early, everything okay?" Eira asked.

Captain and Eira [OUAT || Wish Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now