Chapter 14

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Eira and Regina were in the woods, Regina was training Eira with her magic.

Eira stood in a snowstorm happening above her, "What the hell am I doing wrong?" Eira asked her.

"You're like Elsa..." Regina said.

"Uh, who?" Eira asked.

"Queen of Arendelle, she has the same power... Relax, the magic is in you," Regina said.

Killian walked up, "It's a part of you, love," Regina and Eira looked at him, "It makes you, you... Embrace it, don't be afraid of it," Killian said.

Eira nodded and took a deep breath then the snowstorm vanished, "I did it!" Eira said with a smile.

"Yes, you did, love," Killian said.

"Err... Hook... Your daughter..." Regina said.

"Alice?" Killian said and Eira looked up.

"You said she was in a tower... When you both went to the North Kingdom, I was at the tower and..." Regina said.

"What is it?" Killian asked, worriedly.

"It was in ruins, completely destroyed," Regina said.

Alice stepped out, "Papa? Snow?" Alice said.

Killian and Eira turned around to her, "Hey, you're the one who came to the cottage a few years ago," Eira said.

"Yeah," Alice smiled, "Thank you for your help... Without you, the dwarf's wouldn't have helped me," Alice said as Ella and Henry stood with her.

"Alice? Alice, is it really you?"  Killian said as he approached her.

Alice chuckled softly, "Yes, yes, it's me, but is it really you? You're... You're so young," Alice said.

"It was magic, I just..." Killian looked at her, "Alice, what... What happened? How did you, uh... How did you escape the tower without me?" Killian asked.

"Well, it's a long story, Papa, but... Well, I'm here now," Alice said and she started walking towards him.

Killian quickly backed away, "No, no, no. Don't, you know my heart is poisoned. You can't come near me," Killian said.

"No, it's okay. I...I found a cure, I've been shielded," Alice said.

"A cure?" Killian said.

"Yes, Papa," Alice said.

"I've missed you so much," Killian said and the two hug each other but Killian got bounced back. He landed with a thud and his heart glowed green in his chest.

 He landed with a thud and his heart glowed green in his chest

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Captain and Eira [OUAT || Wish Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now