Chapter 32

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Regina was with young Henry in their home, Regina had just asked him to stand against the door frame to make his height on his first day of school.

"Do we really have to do this now, Mom?" Henry asked.

"Come on, it's your last first day of school," Regina said.

Henry sighed as he reluctantly stood against the frame and Regina smiled as she marked it, "Okay," Henry moved out of the way as Regina wrote on the frame Senior Year.

Regina followed Henry out of the house, "Henry, wait. You forgot your lucy," Regina said and held out his lunch box.

Henry looked at them, "Seriously? I haven't used a lunch box since the fifth grade," Henry said.

"Oh, just open it," Regina said.

Henry sighed, took the book and opened it to see a set of car keys inside with a keychain with his name on it.

Henry looked up at his mother shocked as she was giving him her car, "No way," He said.

"Henry, I know you think I treat you like a child, but... Well, you're not my little boy anymore and next year you'll need this car to drive across town to Storybrooke College," Regina said.

"Right, this is, uh, great," Henry said.

"What is it, Henry?" Regina asked.

"It's just I'm not sure if SBC is the right move for me since it's not a move at all. It's still in Storybrooke," Henry said.

"Well, what's wrong with that? Storybrooke's your home," Regina said.

"But I'm the only kid that wasn't whisked here from the Enchanted Forest. I'm from the real world, maybe, I should get out there and consider other options," Henry said.

"Other options," Regina said sadly.

"Thanks, mom. I'll bring her home without a scratch," Henry said before he got into his new car and drove off as Regina watched him sadly.

End of Flashback

In the catacombs, Rogers was still tied up and he was as Tilly, Winter and the other witches channelled the power.

"Tilly... Winter!... Tilly! Winter!" Rogers shouted, trying to get them to stop.

The mesmerised desk sergeant, "It's too late, Detective," He said.

"What's too late? What's happening?" Rogers asked and one of the witches began to shake until she disappeared, "What the bloody hell was that?" Rogers asked.

"She's been gifted," The desk sergeant said as the witch turned into a small tree, "When a member has completed her task given all that she has, she is rewarded with a place in the Eternal Grove," He told Rogers.

"What about you? Will you be rewarded as handsomely?" Rogers asked.

"They are the chosen ones. I will be spared but not rewarded," he sighed, "But you will find the worst..." The desk sergeant turned to look at Rogers but her was gone, all that was left behind was his fake him.

Rogers came up behind the sergeant and punched him unconscious before putting his fake hand one, "Tilly, Winter" He went over to them, "We have to get you both out of here now before that witch comes back," Rogers said.

"No, we can't do that," Winter said.

"We have to be here with mother," Tilly said.

"The hell you are," Rogers said and he went to pull Tilly but he got pushed back, Tilly and Winter were both magically locked into the ritual.

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