Chapter 18

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Rogers was canvassing the neighbourhood when Tilly approached him, she hit the back of his shoulders getting his attention.

"Things disappear if you don't look at them quickly enough," Tilly said.

"Tilly, I don't have time for riddles, there's a little girl in the hospital," Rogers said.

"This is bigger than a little girl. Do you remember that symbol from Eloise's notebook?" Tilly said.

"And the dead man's tattoo, I'd hardly forget it," Killian said.

"Then look before it disappears," Tilly said and show him the symbol, the coven's mark painted on a bridge pillar.

"What the hell is going on here?" Rogers asked.

At the hospital, Winter walked out of the ladies toilets hand on her stomach as she walked to Jacinda.

"Henry..." Winter said.

Henry and Jacinda pulled away from each other, Henry looked at her, "Another stomach ache? Seriously, we're in the hospital, go see a doctor," Henry said.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine, it's Lucy we need to focus on," Winter said as the three stood together.

Back at San Francisco, at the gym, Roni poured the clear liquid into a bottle of scotch.

Kelly came out with her things, "What are you still doing here?" Kelly asked.

Roni cleared her throat, "I waited for you and you'll be glad I did, because I know deep down underneath all that overwhelming anger and resentment, you'll soon see that all of this was meaningless," Roni said.

"It wasn't meaningless," Kelly said.

"You'll see, you'll remember," Roni sighed, "You know, we were like sisters," Roni said.

"I'm sorry I ever felt that way," Kelly said.

Roni sighed, "You need a drink," Roni said and walked over to the table with plastic disposal beakers and drinks.

"I'd rather have some of that cucumber mint honey lavender water if it will make you leave me alone," Kelly said.

Roni poured two scotches, "No, no, no. I am not leaving," Roni walked to her, "Until you have a real drink with me," Roni offered her one.

Kelly took it and reluctantly drunk it, Roni looked at her hopeful until Kelly screwed her face up in disgust, "Ugh," She coughed, "I wish I had the cucumber mint honey lavender water, ugh," Kelly said.

"Okay, okay," Roni put her drink down on the table before going back to Kelly, "I've never been great at subtle. We're cursed, you don't remember it, but we really are sisters. Evil Queen," Roni pointed to herself, "Wicked Witch," Roni said and pointed to Zelena.

"What are you talking ab..." Kelly began to say then suddenly her memories were returned to her of her life as Zelena, the Wicked Witch of the West.

"Zelena?" Roni said.

Kelly breathed heavily, "What's going on? Oh, Regina," She chuckled and looked at the sign on the wall then turned back to Roni confused, "I teach pedalling?" Kelly said.

Roni pulled her into a hug, "Oh, Zelena, thank god," Roni said.

"Oh... Oh, I was cursed, to be a hippie!" Kelly said.

"Listen to me. We have a problem," Roni exhaled sharply, "Gothel's out and Lucy's in terrible danger. Things have been changing so fast. I need you to come back with me to Hyperion Heights," Roni said.

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