Chapter 15

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Ella and Henry arrived in Killian's tent to see Killian and Regina.

"Mom, where's Snow?" Henry asked.

"Hey, she'd have your head for that name," Regina said.

"Henry... Henry, lad, did you find Alice?" Killian asked.

"We do. She wants you to know that she was just trying to protect you. Drizella tricked her into thinking that she was cured," Henry said.

"Why would she do that?" Regina asked.

So, she could poison my heart?" Henry said.

Regina said Henry and Ella holding hands, "Well, I'm glad to see she failed," Regina said.

"Um, Hook, Alice wanted us to give you this," Ella said and gave Killian a White Knight chess piece

"It's the White Knight, I gave her this to remember me by," Killian said.

"She said she doesn't need a reminder. You two will be together again. She knows you'll find the real curse," Ella said.

"It was worth it. I'd go through that pain thousand times over just to see her again," Killian said as he held the chess piece close to him as Henry and Ella stepped out of the tent.

Tiana walked over and saw Henry, "You're back. I'm glad, there's a man here. He claims to know Henry and Snow. With the resistance, we can never be too careful with newcomers," Tiana said.

"He says he knows me and Eira?" Henry said.

The man, Jack, stepped forward, "Of course I know ya, Henry," Jack said.

"Why you slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler. You got a lot of guts coming here, after what you pulled," Henry approached him and threw a mock punch before they hugged each other.

"You know, one of these days you're gonna have to take me back to your land and show me this Star Wars thing," Jack said.

"I believe that was Empire Strikes Back," Eira said as she walked up.

"Yeah," Henry looked Jack, "What are you doing here, Jack. We thought you were in Agrabah," Henry said.

"What are you both doing here? I thought you were going back to Storybrooke and taking Snow with you after we all escaped those giants," Jack said.

"It's Eira..." Eira said and Jack smirked at her.

"Yeah, we took a bit of a detour," Ella stood beside Henry, "Ella, this is Jack, the second friend I met in this realm and Jack this is Ella," Henry looked at Eira, "What's going on?" Henry asked her as Jack and Ella shook hands.

"I'm alright," Eira smiled and walked to him, she took his hand and rubbed her thumb over his ring that connects them both, "You'll find me when I go," Eira said.

"Go... Go where?" Ella asked.

Eira looked at her, "When Tremaine and the King are overthrown, I'm gonna go home and take back my own kingdom properly this time," Eira said.

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