Chapter 7

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Eira was walking down a dirt road, she had gotten separated from Henry a few days ago and was trying to find him. She came across a cottage near a mine, she noticed seven pickaxes outside the mine.

"Hmm..." Eira walked towards the cottage and knocked on the door.

The door opened and Eira looked down to see a man, "Can I help you, lady?" He asked her in a grumpy tone.

"Err... Hi... I need shelter for the night or maybe a meal before I camp outside again," Eira said.

"We don't help people and we aren't a charity," The grumpy man said and began to close the door.

"Grumpy! Be nice to the lady!" A man, the same size walked over, he wore round glasses and he looked at her shocked, "Queen Liza?" A questioned and suddenly five other small men came to the door.

"Err... N-No... That was my mother... My name is Eira Blanc," Eira said.

"Princess Snow," The man who smiled brightly said.

"Please don't call me that," Eira said.

"If we can't call you Snow you don't get any help from us," The grumpy man said.

Eira sighed and looked at the ground, "You can call me Snow..." Eira said not happy.

"Come in, come in," The man with the round glasses said and took her hand in his smaller one, he led her inside, "We're the Seven Dwarfs who work in the mines by our home. Line up men, we need to introduce ourselves.

" He said before they lined up.

Eira watched as the men lined up and began to introduce themselves: Doc, Happy, Sneezy, Sleepy, Dopey, Bashful, and Grumpy.

"It's lovely to meet you all, thank you so much for letting me stay here," Eira smiled at them.

"Pleasure i-i-i-is... Achew!... Ours..." Sneezy said as he rubbed his nose with his handkerchief.

"Sneezy, try to sneeze a little quieter when around royalty," Doc said.

"I can't...h-h," The other six covered his nose, blocking the sneeze when they thought they were in the clear they moved their hands, "Thank you... Achew!" He suddenly sneezed again.

"I...It's okay, I don't mind... I'm guest, don't change on my account," Eira said.

"You're so kind, Princess Snow," Grumpy said and rolled his eyes.

"Princess Snow, may I ask you something?" Doc asked and Eira looked at him, "Why are you here? So deep the forest," Doc said.

"I'm looking for something or a way to find him... He's called Henry Mills, we got separated a few days ago," Eira told them.

End of Flashback

Winter was sat reading Henry's book, laid on the sofa when Henry walked into the living room where Winter was.

"Why do you keep reading that book?" Henry asked her and lifted her legs up before sitting down then laid her legs over his lap.

"I'm trying to figure out how Lucy thinks I'm Snow White," Winter looked at Henry, "I mean, you and I both know I'm not the fairest of them all," Winter said.

Henry looked at her and they chuckled, "Okay, seriously, why are you reading it again... Did you lose another author?" Henry asked.

"I did... Yesterday, when you were underground with Lucy, aha!" She sat up, "This is it, I thought the story was familiar, Henry Mills ran into the mines in Storybrooke with his shrink Jiminy Cricket, but know as Dr Hopper due to the curse who chased after them, then they got blocked in," Winter looked at Henry, "At least that didn't happen to this Henry Mills, or I wouldn't know what to do with myself," Winter said.

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