Chapter 2

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Jacinda walked into Roni's bar as Winter and Henry drunk their drink and Winter typed on her laptop.

"Oh, hey, Jacinda. How's it going?" Roni asked.

"Great. Lucy's stealing computers now so that's new," Jacinda said and Henry and Winter looked at her.

"Never a dull moment with that kid," Roni said.

Jacinda cleared her throat and turned to Henry, "Speaking of my little felon you must be Henry," She handed his laptop to her, "I'm so sorry about all this. I don't know what's gotten into her, but I promise you, it won't happen again," Henry stared at Jacinda in awe, "What?" Jacinda said.

"Oh, oh, oh, no, uh, nothing. Nothing, I'm just, uh, relieved and I was starting to wonder if I really did have a kid, but clearly, I don't, because meeting you I would definitely remember," Henry said.

"Wow..." Winter whispered and turned to her laptop then sipped her drink.

"Well, that's a..." Jacinda said.

"Yeah," Henry said.

Looks like you two kids need an ice breaker," Roni said as she gave them some drinks, "On the house," Roni said.

"Cheers," Jacinda said as she chuckled softly and she clinked her glass with Henry's.

"Another drink?" Roni asked Winter.

"Hmm... I think we'll be here a while longer now, sure, I'm not the one driving," Winter said.

"Getting the guy to do the work, my kind of girl," Roni said and filled up her glass as Winter chuckled, "So, what's yours and Henry's..." 

"Flatmates, we met at college and just hit it off," Winter told her.


Later at night, Henry and Eira made their way to the ball, to find Cinderella. Eira was wearing a red princess gown.

Henry offered Eira his arm, she rolled her eyes and linked her arm with his as they walked into the ball.

A waitress walked up to them with two glasses of champagne, "Drink?" The waitress asked.

Henry and Eira took a glass each and clink their glasses together, "So... Where's that blue wearing girl that made you her punching bag?" Eira said.

"Aww, you worried about me?" Henry asked.

"Please, the only one who can use you as a punching bag, is me," Eira said and smiled at him then she noticed Cinderella, "There she is, you go, I'll keep a lookout," She whispered in his ear before removing her arm from his.

Eira walked to the side and kept a lookout at the guard and kept her eye on Henry and Cinderella as they danced together on the dancefloor.

Eira's vision goes a little blurry, "Henry..." She said and collapsed on the ground.

Henry tried convincing Cinderella to join him and Eira in going back to Storybrooke but she refused and ran to the prince.

"No, no, no! No, hey, wait!" Henry called out but he staggered and collapsed on the ground, he looked to see Eira was also on the ground. The waitress stood in front of Henry and turned, smirking at him, "What did you do?" He asked her before his vision went black.

 The waitress stood in front of Henry and turned, smirking at him, "What did you do?" He asked her before his vision went black

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Captain and Eira [OUAT || Wish Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now