Chapter 28

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Weaver took Henry and Winter to his storage unit, the two looked around at the place.

"Well, this place is appropriately creepy. Let's just make this quick, okay? We're trying to catch a plane," Henry said.

"And I'm trying to catch a killer, I believe that takes precedence," Weaver said.

"This is life or death, we get it okay... It's just... This is really bad timing. We got an interview in New York tomorrow," Winter said.

"New York? Well, that's a long way from home. Bit of a change?" Weaver said.

"Yeah, the thing is, we're here to talk about the case, not our life choices, thanks very much. Now, tell us what we do with this," Henry said as they sit down in front of the book.

"Okay, you need to find out what the killer saw in the stories because, clearly, they think they saw something real and true. Look deep inside them and tell me where the truth lies," Weaver said.

Henry sighed and he opened the book, they both start looking through the book.


When the Jolly Roger took to the sea, Henry and Killian emerged from their hiding places, which were barrels.

"Ugh, yeah, I definitely smell like pork, let's never do that again," Henry said.

Killian groaned, "Agreed," He sniffed, "Hopefully, they won't smell you coming," Killian said as they drew their swords and walked around the ship.

They spot a crew member and Henry pointed his sword at him, "Turn around," Henry said.

The crew member turned around, a familiar Mr Smee, "Captain!" Smee said as he saw Killian.

"Shh, shh, shh, shh! Quiet, Mr Smee," Killian said.

"I'm sorry, I let Blackbeard take the Roger," Smee said.

"Look, you can apologise later. How many men are still loyal to me?" Killian asked.

"There's me, um, Hudson the cook, uh, and One Eye Jack," Smee told him.

"Oh," Killian said.

"Maybe," Smee added.

"Hmm," Killian said.

"What? That's it? I thought you said the crew loved you," Henry said to Killian.

"Well, what I meant was that they will love me after they learn that I have the map to Davy Jones' Locker," Killian said.

Then Blackbeard and his men walked onto deck and Blackbeard took the map, "But you don't have the map, Captain. I do, poor Captain Hook, brought low by a man he despises. First, I-I took his ship and then his map and, uh, pretty soon, I'll take his life," Blackbeard said.

"Ooh, big words, it's a shame you don't make good on them," Killian said.

"One more word and your foul-smelling friend here dies," Blackbeard said as he pointed his sword at Henry.

"Oh, you don't want to do that. You can't go around killing royalty and this here is Prince Henry of Storybrooke," Killian said.

"Oh," Blackbeard put his sword down, "Very well. In that case, set a course for Davy Jones' Locker and, uh, once we know the map is real, we'll offer the sharks a royal mean," Blackbeard said as he pointed his sword back at Henry.

End of Flashback

Winter slammed the storybook shut, "We can't do this," Winter said as she looked at Weaver who sat opposite them on the table.

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