Chapter 9

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Lucy was at Belfrey Towers waiting for Victoria to take her to her ballet class when Sabine walked in.

"Aunt Sabine! What are you doing here?" Lucy asked as she walked over and embraced her in a hug.

"Excellent question. You know, this is private property, so unless you've risen up in the world from fry cook, you don't belong here," Ivy said from her desk.

"I just came to give Lucy this," Sabine said and handed Lucy a paper bag.

Lucy opened the bag to see it was filled with beignets, she looked up at Sabine, "Your famous beignets!" Lucy said.

"They're not nearly as fun to make without my favourite taste tester," Sabine said and they hugged again.

The elevator dings and opens then Victoria walked out going to Ivy's desk, "Mother, I've been trying to get a hold of you for the last hour. Where have you been?" Ivy asked her.

"Funny and here I thought you worked for me," Victoria handed a piece of people, "Run along to the herbalist and pick up a few things," Victoria said.

"The herbalist?" Ivy questioned as she looked at the list then looked at Victoria, "Are you doing a cleanse without me?" Ivy asked.

"Now, Ivy less whimpering and more scampering," Victoria said, Ivy rolled her eyes and left. Victoria turned to Sabine, "Sabine, what a coincidence. I was just talking about you," Victoria said.

"You were? Why?" Sabine asked she turned to Victoria.

"I was going over your rental agreement and I've decided to increase your rent by 8% starting this month," Victoria said.

"You know we can't afford that," Sabine said.

"Given the booming neighbourhood, I could ask for double. Consider it a family discount," Victoria said.

"You can't do this, Grandma. It isn't fair," Lucy said.

"It's okay, Luce. I can fight my own battles," Sabine said to Lucy then looked at Victoria, "I always have. We both know this isn't business, Victoria. Do you want to push us out? Well, we will just push right back," Sabine said.

Flashback - Many Years Ago

Eudora, Tiana's mother, went to welcome the guests for the auction to their castle as Tiana looked around and Eira walked over to Tiana.

"Tiana, Eudora," Eira said and they both turned to her.

"Tiana, Eudora," Eira said and they both turned to her

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"Snow..." Tiana said

"I'm sorry I wasn't here sooner," Eira said as she and Tiana hugged each other.

"You're here now, I feel like I need backup today," Tiana said as they pulled away.

Eudora walked over and she and Eira hugged each other, "I heard what happened at your father's wake, you need to be careful dear," Eudora whispered in her ear.

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