Chapter 17

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The ambulance came and took Jacinda, Lucy and Winter to the hospital. Lucy was on a gurney as they took her through the hospital.

Jacinda held her daughter's hand as Winter walked beside her, "Mama's right here, baby. I'm right here. It's gonna be fine, we're almost there," Jacinda said.


Henry showed his daughter Lucy to Killian, Jack and Tiana.

"I'd like you all to meet Lucy," Henry said.

"That is amazing, Henry Mills is a father," Jack said.

"Congratulations, she looks strong," Tiana said.

"Uh, where's my mom? Where's Snow? They should be here by now?" Henry asked.

Drizella arrived, "Oh, Regina's fine, she's just a little detained and Snow White... Well, she's slumbering," Drizella said with a smirk.

"Stay away from my daughter," Henry said.

"Such a worried, papa. No need to be, I'm only here to deliver a message. Well, more accurately, a prophecy. A curse is coming. On your darling child's 8th birthday, all your lives as you know them will end," Drizella said.

Killian advanced on her, "Perhaps you misread the prophecy, love because you missed the part where we defeat you," He said as he pulled out his sword from his holster.

Drizella was about to use her magic on Killian when Henry stopped her, "Drizella, I wouldn't. Look down," Henry said, Killian put his sword away and turned back to Drizella with a smirk.

Drizella looked down to see that she is standing on a rune, etched into the dirt and she began to turn to stone, "This is blood magic, how is this possible?" Drizella asked

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Drizella looked down to see that she is standing on a rune, etched into the dirt and she began to turn to stone, "This is blood magic, how is this possible?" Drizella asked.

Lady Tremaine walked up to them and looked at Drizella, "With a spatter of my blood, of course. I simply can't have you casting the curse, dear," Lady Tremaine said.

"This changes nothing. In eight years, I'll be back and you'll learn what true suffering it," Drizella said and she turned into stone.

Killian looked at Henry and Jack, "I have to find Snow," Killian said.

"Here," Henry gave him, his ring, "It's connected to Snow, it'll guide you to her... If she's slumbering the way I think... Look for a coffin... A glass one," Henry said.

"Aye, lad, I know her story," Killian said and turned to leave.

"I'll come with you," Jack said.

"Alright," Killian said and the two walked away.

"Alright," Killian said and the two walked away

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