Chapter 29

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In Nick's apartment, he had used Henry's phone to text Jacinda, lying to her saying that the two friends were in New York.

"Winky face, nice," Nick put Henry's phone down, "You know, even in the curse, Ella still digs you," Hansel said.

Henry and Winter were still tired up to a post in Hansel's apartment, "Please, don't hurt her or us. We can figure this all out, I-I'm sorry I got your story wrong, Hansel," Henry said.

"It wasn't wrong, it just wasn't mine. You wrote a different Hansel," Nick said.

"How can he write a different Hansel... There's only one," Winter said.

"It's ironic you say that Snow," Nick said.

"Winter," Winter said.

"No, I'm pretty sure it's Snow. Our stories are a little darker," Nick said.

"But you still had a sister, didn't you and she died? I get it, you needed to help you cope. When I wrote that book, I was dealing with the trauma of losing my own family, that pain it's real," Henry said.

"Oh, it's very real. All of it is," Nick said.

"Right, right, so let me help you," Henry said.

"And you will," Nick took out a knife, "Because the person who hurt me the most, well, you're particularly familiar with her brand of wicked and you're gonna help me make her pay for what she did," Nick said.

At the police station, Rogers walked into the station looking at his seeing no message from Winter when the desk sergeant walked up.

"Hey, Rogers, you're pals with that podcast guy and you have a thing with the redhead right?" The desk sergeant said.

"Henry Mills and Winter? Yeah, why?" Rogers asked.

"Patrolman found his car on the side of the road with a flat tire and this was brought in," The desk sergeant held up Winter's phone smashed, "I'm guessing it's hers because," He pressed the power button and a picture of her and Rogers was on the home screen.

Rogers's eyes widen, "I'll, uh, I'll look into it, thank you," Rogers took the phone in the evidence bag and the file.

"Yeah," The desk sergeant walked away.

Margot and Kelly walked in, Rogers saw Kelly with the chocolate box, "Where did you get that?" Rogers asked.

"I need to talk to Weaver," Kelly said.

"Whatever you're gonna tell him, you can tell me, I'm his partner," Rogers said.

"I know who you are, Captain," Kelly said.

"It's Detective Rogers and I hate to you this but that box makes you a target in my case," Rogers said.

"Wait. So, it's true? My mom wasn't just overreacting? There really is a serial killer after her?" Margot said.

"I'm afraid it's a very real possibility. I'll need you to answer some questions. Why don't we go to the cafeteria? I can get you a cup of tea and maybe we can talk there," Rogers said.

Back in Nick's apartment, Nick brought Henry and Winter some water.

"I thought you both might be thirsty," Nick said.

"Yeah, no, I think we'll take our chance with dehydration," Henry said.

"You know, this reminds me of your 19th birthday. The three of us went to the Crimson Crow, I brought you your first drink, your second and your third. Oh, man, I wish you both could remember, we had so many adventures together," Nick said.

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