Chapter 5

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Wish Hook found Lady Tremaine in Cinderella's quarters and he leaned against the door frame.

"Well, I heard you were in this realm, I had to see for myself," Wish Hook said.

"After what you did to me, Captain, you're lucky you have eyes left to see anything at all. Now, tell me what you want, before I give you a second hook, Hook," Lady Tremaine said.

"Well," Wish Hook chuckled, "You're not gonna hurt me, not when I can help you with a problem like Henry Mills. I can make him go home and we can both get what we want," Wish Hook said.

"And what is it you want?" Lady Tremaine asked.

"A woman," Lady Tremaine scoffed, "Named Emma Swan," Wish Hook said.

"What makes you think this Emma Swan would possibly love you when no one else would?" Lady Tremaine asked.

"Because she's already fallen in love with another Captain Hook from another realm. Now, that Captain Hook is dying of thirst, tied under a cart in a filthy alley," Wish Hook pulls out a small bottle with Hook's blood, "Now, I managed to get a little bit of fresh blood before I left him and I want you to make me like him," Wish Hook said.

"You forget I don't wield magic," Lady Tremaine said.

"Well, you always had a talent for acquiring things, hm?" Wish Hook said.

"Well, now... I did recently acquire this little number," Lady Tremaine pulled out a wand, "From a fairy godmother," Lady Tremaine said.

"Mm," Wish Hook said.

"Bad luck for her, good luck for me," Wish Hook chuckled, "And you, we have a deal," Lady Tremaine said.

Wish Hook opened the bottle, Lady Tremaine enchanted the blood, the blood came out of the bottle and surrounded Wish Hook before transforming him into his younger self.

End of Flashback

Later, Jacinda and Sabine walked into the building where the ballet was being held. Sabine and Jacinda were helping out with the catering as they followed the head caterer, Remy.

"Thanks so much for coming on short notice, these last-minutes are gonna kill me. Uh, you do both have catering experience, right?" Remy asked.

"Of course," Jacinda said.

"Tons," Sabine said.

"Great. Here are the new bartenders, they'll set you up," Remy said.

Jacinda and Sabine turned to see Henry and Winter walking up, "Hey, there," Henry said.

"Hi," Winter said.

"What the hell are you two doing here?" Jacinda asked.

"We're just trying to help. Look, I used to work a lot of serving gigs, so a friend sent us here and we convinced a really nervous caterer that he needed a second bar," Henry said.

"And let me guess, you both generously offered to bartend," Jacinda said.

"As long as he let us hire the servers," Winter said.

"Wow, that is a weirdly impressive move," Sabine said.

"I feel terrible for separating you two. I'm just trying to make up for it. Hey, look, after tonight, you never have to see us again," Henry said.

"We swear," Winter said.

With Rogers and Weaver, they broke into Henry's and Winter's apartment.

Captain and Eira [OUAT || Wish Killian Jones]Where stories live. Discover now