Chapter 31

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The next day, Winter woke up in Rogers's bed and she walked out to the living room to see him asleep on the sofa. She smiled and walked into the kitchen and began making breakfast.

As she cooked breakfast she sang quietly to herself, "Someday my prince will come, someday we'll meet again, and a way to his castle we'll go, to be happy forever I know. Someday when spring is here, we'll find our love anew. And the birds will sing, and wedding bells will ring. Someday when my dreams come true." Winter sang.

Rogers had woken up to her singing, "You have a beautiful singing voice, love," He said.

"Wa!" Winter jumped and knocked the frying pan over, "Uh oh," Winter said and picked up the pan.

Rogers walked over and helped her clean up, "Sorry, didn't mean to startle you," Rogers said.

"I... It's okay... I'm sorry, if I woke you," Winter said, her cheeks flushed and looked away.

"I'd prefer you being my alarm than what I've actually got," Rogers said and they chuckled, "What are you doing in the kitchen anyway?" He asked as they stood up.

"Making breakfast, you were asleep and you cooked last night and I always do breakfast as Henry sleeps in," Winter said as she looked at him.

"Alright, what are you trying to do before I scared you," Rogers said.

"Pancakes," Winter said.

"Shall we do it together?" He asked her.

"Okay," She nodded and they both started to make breakfast together unaware Tilly was watching them in the doorway with a smile.

"You a fan of Snow White?" Rogers asked.

"Disney always calms me down and I'm calm now," Winter looked at him, "Thanks for you," She smiled at him.

Rogers smiled at her, "You're welcome," He said and she kissed him on the cheek

Rogers smiled at her, "You're welcome," He said and she kissed him on the cheek

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Later, Winter walked into her shared apartment with Henry.

"Winter! Winter!" Henry rushed over to her, she looked at him shocked as he brought her into the living room where boards were surrounding the room, "I need you to keep an open mind, okay?" Henry said and she nodded, "You're Snow White... Not Henry Mill's grandma but.."

"The best friend, I know," Winter said.

"You believe it's true?" Henry asked.

"When..." Winter hunched over and held her stomach, "I... I'm gonna throw up," She rushed into the bathroom.

Henry followed her but the door was locked, "Winter! Winter, are you okay?" Henry asked.

"I need water," Winter said weakly.

"Okay," Henry went into the kitchen and poured her some water as she walked out minutes later, "You okay? Did Rogers poison you?" Henry asked as he handed her the water.

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