Chapter 26

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A few days later, Winter walked into the bar and went to Roni, "Hey, Roni, can you chat?" Winter asked.

Roni looked at her and smiled, "Uh, yeah what's up?" Roni asked and walked to her, they sat at the bar together. 

Winter looked at her, "Okay, I have a problem and if I talk to Henry, he'll go all big brother persona on me," Winter said.

"Ah, okay... Let me guess... Detective Rogers?" Roni asked with a smile.

"Ah... Uh, yeah," Winter sighed, "I don't know what to do when I'm around him I don't know what to say or do, I just... I just don't want to mess it up, you know," Winter said.

"Well... I think the Detective may be having the same issue than you," Roni said with a smile.

"Doesn't seem like it..." Winter said.

"I assure you it is," Roni said.

Jacinda and Lucy walk into the bar, "Hey, Roni, you got that to-go order?" Jacinda asked.

"Uh, yes. Remy's firing it up now. No time to eat here?" Roni asked.

"Oh, it's for Lucy and her sitter, I got plans with Sabine tonight," Her phone started ringing, "That's the sitter calling," Jacinda said and stepped aside to take the call.

"I'm gonna go to the restroom," Winter said and walked off.

Roni gave Lucy some cocoa, "What's the cocoa for?" Lucy asked.

"Well, keeping up this ruse about Henry is hard on you. I can tell, but until I get my hands on some magic, there's no way to undo what Ivy's done... Hey, keeping your mom and dad apart, keeps him alive," Roni said.

"At least my mom has Sabine and Henry has Winter," Lucy said.

"Yeah, but compared what Henry and Winter had in the Enchanted Forest, they are alone," Roni sighed, "Before the curse, they both had really good friends apart from each other," Roni said.

"Like fairytale friends?" Lucy asked.

"They had two best friends, your dad had Captain Hook and Jack... Winter had Cinderella and Tiana, here they are known as Detective Rogers and Nick... Jacinda and Sabine," Roni said.

"You mean my dad and my cursed dad were friends?" Lucy asked.

"Yeah," Roni said.

"How does that help us here?" Lucy asked.

"I bet if we get your dad and his old friends together, fate'll do the rest," Roni said.

"I'm on it, Operation Bromance is a go," Lucy said and they shared a toast.

"Bromance, please tell me you're making Henry make new friends, he needs them," Winter said and sat beside Roni.

"Yep," Lucy smiled, "And you too," Lucy said.

"Me?" Winter asked.

"Yeah," Lucy saw Jacinda walking over, "Hey, mom... Why don't you let Winter join you and Sabine?" Lucy asked.

"Uh, I, uh," Jacinda said.

"Please, mom, Winter doesn't have anyone but Henry... She must get lonely," Lucy said.

Roni handed Winter and drink and she drunk some, "I'll see if Sabine can add someone to the reservation," Jacinda said.

"You don't have to, I'm fine," Winter said.

"N-No, Luce is right," Jacinda said and smiled at Winter.

At the station, Rogers found Weaver glueing together a broken teacup.

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