Chapter 20

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Rogers made his way to Gothel's apartment then knocked on the door, he didn't want to believe Weaver but he knew he needed to find something that proved her innocence. When she didn't answer the door he let himself in her apartment and saw her stood in front of her closet.

Gothel looked at him, "Detective, you frightened me," Gothel said as she chuckled softly.

"Sorry, I was concerned when you didn't answer the door. Uh, Victoria's gone missing, I was worried she'd come to harm you," Rogers said.

"Always my White Knight, but I'm fine," Rogers saw the food on the table, food for two, "I'm doing much better thanks to the art therapy that the department set up for me," Gothel said.

"You, um," Rogers looked at her, "Are you alone?" Rogers asked.

"Oh," Gothel looked at the table, "This just takes me back to a simpler time," She noticed that he was looked around and she broke a glass to distract his attention, "Oh, God! Sorry," Gothel started to pick up the shattered glass when Rogers took over and she stood up watching him, "Truth be told, enclosed spaces still bother me," Rogers placed the shattered glass on the table and stood up, "This is embarrassing, but would you walk me to my art therapy class? It starts soon," Gothel said.

"Yeah, yeah, of course," Rogers said.

"Thank you. Like I said, always my White Knight," Gothel said and the two left her apartment.

 Like I said, always my White Knight," Gothel said and the two left her apartment

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Later, Rogers walked into Weaver's storage unit where Weaver was working.

"So, is Eloise Gardener as innocent as you thought? Did you find that unassailable proof you were searching for?" Weaver asked.

"Look, I-I don't know what's going on here, but you were right about one thing. That woman's hiding something and I want to know what," Rogers said.

"Well, perhaps it has something to do with this," Weaver said and handed him a piece of paper.

Rogers took it and looked to see that the paper had a list of gardens and greenhouses, "It's a list of gardens and greenhouses," He looked at Weaver, "What is this? This has something to do with your crazy cult theory, doesn't it?" Rogers asked.

"If this is the cult I think it is, one of their most hallowed rituals involved a Sacred Orchid. This may be our only chance to find them and stop them before someone gets hurt," Weaver said.

"Gets hurt? What kind of ritual are you talking about here?" Rogers asked.

"Rituals that require sacrifices," Weaver said.

"And you really think Eloise is capable of something that dark?" Rogers asked.

"I think you'll find people are rarely what they seem, Detective, and your Eloise, most assuredly, is much more than you know," Weaver said.


Zelena was walking away through the woods as Killian and Eira were running after her.

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